Animation history By: Ivette Lopez
What is animation? Animation is the movement of graphics, video, or text. Animation is a type of optical illusion. It involves the appearance of motion caused by displaying still images one after another.
History of animation Over the years, digital animation has changed. Some history of digital animation in 1973-CGI (Computer generated imagery) was first used in film industry. In 1995 “Toy Story” was in the first fully computer generated animated film. Early 2000 CGI became the dominant form of special effects.
Types of animation.. There are different categories of animation. An example of animation is 2-Dimmensional, which is having only the dimensions of height and width, like a square; whereas 3D is having height, width and depth, like a cube.
2D and 3Dimmensional 2D is everywhere! Character design, illustration, e-cards, logos, banner ads, television commercials and additional visual projects are all created with 2D animation. The Simpsons and family guy are some cartoon examples. 3D characters and their backgrounds are designed by hand. Different materials like wood, cloth, hair gel, toothpaste and cotton wool may be used to create finer details. Video games, and movies like “Toy Story” are some examples of 3D.
Uses of digital animation Commercials (marketing products) Entertainment (movies, music, plays, sports) Informational/educational News Public service announcements