The Green Team By : Misael Moscat Jensy Veras Pedro Rodriguez 5/7/09
Misael Moscat as the team leader, and lead designer. Jensy Veras as the time keeper, and researcher. Pedro Rodriguez as the facilitator and supervisor.
Design and create a full website for a non profit organization. Do research to find out how much money we would be saving the organization by doing this for free. Give a presentation explaining our findings.
Our team had to design a website for the non- profit organization “The Friends of Lawrence Heritage State Park”, which is an organization that works to preserve the Lawrence Heritage State Park. While designing the website we took into deep consideration the style, and color scheme the organization wanted, and worked with them to make the site much better.
This is the index of the website. The silver bar at the top is the navigation menu, and the pictures are pictures form the visitors center at the park. The red color scheme makes everything look great.
The average price a professional web designer charges is $100 for every page. Many web designers offer packages such as $1200 for a full website. The website we designed has 7 pages, so at $100 per page that would be $700, and that’s not including the content, which we also added for the HSP friends. The total cost at the end would end up being around $1000, for both design and content.
Working on this project gave us a lot of experience working in teams, and conducting interviews with clients. The project showed us how each team member is valuable and needed to successfully finish the project. In the end we ended up finishing the website on time, and also got to know each other a little better, which is always good.