Brave and New World The BNW Basics
Aldous Huxley British Writer British Writer Published 1932 Published 1932 BNW BNW Social Criticism Social Criticism Dystopian Novel Dystopian Novel Often Compared To Orwell’s 1984 Often Compared To Orwell’s 1984
Social Criticisms of BNW Rigid, Static Class Divisions Rigid, Static Class Divisions Skepticism of the Ethical Uses of Science Skepticism of the Ethical Uses of Science Alienation of the Individual Through Alienation of the Individual Through Increased Promiscuity Increased Promiscuity Increased Recreational Drugs Increased Recreational Drugs Fracturing of the Family Fracturing of the Family Excessive Materialism Excessive Materialism Loss of Individual Freedoms to the Government Due to Ignorance and Laziness Loss of Individual Freedoms to the Government Due to Ignorance and Laziness
Chapter One Details Mass Production of Babies - Ectogenisis Mass Production of Babies - Ectogenisis Delta Ovaries used to create Delta babies etc. Delta Ovaries used to create Delta babies etc. Chemicals added to mold babies for their caste. Chemicals added to mold babies for their caste. Alcohol and Oxygen deprivation to lower intelligence Alcohol and Oxygen deprivation to lower intelligence Inoculations to fight disease Inoculations to fight disease In utero conditioning heat or cold, balance etc. In utero conditioning heat or cold, balance etc. Freemartins Freemartins Sterile Females – 70% of female Population Sterile Females – 70% of female Population Bokovsky’s Process Bokovsky’s Process Dividing and Replication of Eggs to create up to 96 identical twins. Used for the lower classes. Dividing and Replication of Eggs to create up to 96 identical twins. Used for the lower classes.
Chapter One Details All of this birthing control to what end? “The secret of happiness and virtue- liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny.”DHC
Chapter Two Details Pavlovian Conditioning Pavlovian Conditioning Books and Flowers – Sirens and Shocks Books and Flowers – Sirens and Shocks Limit reading and wasting time Limit reading and wasting time Encourage Outdoor Sports (not love of outdoors) Encourage Outdoor Sports (not love of outdoors) Hypnopedia – Polish Boy Hypnopedia – Polish Boy Fell asleep with radio on learned all sorts of facts etc. Fell asleep with radio on learned all sorts of facts etc. Sleep teaching used to mold moral and class beliefs Sleep teaching used to mold moral and class beliefs “I am a really glad I am a beta, because I don’t work so hard” “I am a really glad I am a beta, because I don’t work so hard”
Chapter Two Details No other languages exists beside English No other languages exists beside English No such thing as a Parent No such thing as a Parent No such thing as religion No such thing as religion Replaced by a reverence for “Ford” Replaced by a reverence for “Ford” Color coded castes Color coded castes
To What End Conditioning? “Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob. Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too–all his life long.” D.H.C. “Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob. Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too–all his life long.” D.H.C.
What Was The Cause? The Answer Can Be Found in Chapter 3 The Answer Can Be Found in Chapter 3
Chapter Three: Dialogue 1 Mustapha Mond Who: Mustapha Mond talks with the D.H.C. and students Who: Mustapha Mond talks with the D.H.C. and students The resident world controller of Western Europe (10 total world wide) The resident world controller of Western Europe (10 total world wide) What: He preaches to the students about how society was before the World State What: He preaches to the students about how society was before the World State - “History is bunk” – reason for not learning about history - “History is bunk” – reason for not learning about history - There was too much strong emotion from: - There was too much strong emotion from: - family (parents, siblings, aunts and uncles), unfulfilled desires, abstinence - “No civilization can exist without stability” - “No civilization can exist without stability” - the Nine Year War caused instability - There lives are now “emotionally easy” since they are brainwashed how to act Changes Changes Took the top off of the crosses, Christianity and religion gone Took the top off of the crosses, Christianity and religion gone No more alcohol, now have soma – “miracle” drug No more alcohol, now have soma – “miracle” drug Now have the Conditioning Center to make a perfect society Now have the Conditioning Center to make a perfect society No more Shakespeare/books, the arts, museums, historic monuments No more Shakespeare/books, the arts, museums, historic monuments
Chap 3 Dialogue 2 - Lenina Who: Fanny (19) and Lenina two workers at the Conditioning Center Who: Fanny (19) and Lenina two workers at the Conditioning Center What: Fanny is taking “Temporary Pregnancy Substitute” What: Fanny is taking “Temporary Pregnancy Substitute” It simulates the hormones that come out during pregnancy It simulates the hormones that come out during pregnancy Lenina has a date with Henry Foster Lenina has a date with Henry Foster She has been seeing him for 4 months She has been seeing him for 4 months “you ought to be a little more promiscuous…” – Fanny “you ought to be a little more promiscuous…” – Fanny Sleeping with other men frequently and not committing is encouraged in BNW society Sleeping with other men frequently and not committing is encouraged in BNW society Lenina is going to take up Bernard Marx’s offer for a date to the Savage Restoration Lenina is going to take up Bernard Marx’s offer for a date to the Savage Restoration
Chap 3 Dialogue 3 - Bernard Who: Henry Foster and the Assistant Predestinator are talking about Lenina and the date Henry has with her that evening Who: Henry Foster and the Assistant Predestinator are talking about Lenina and the date Henry has with her that evening Bernard Marx is also in the room Bernard Marx is also in the room Alpha male, very smart, small and doesn’t speak often Alpha male, very smart, small and doesn’t speak often People pick on him (i.e. Henry offers him soma) People pick on him (i.e. Henry offers him soma) What: Bernard Marx gets angry “talking about her as though she were a bit of meat” (referring to Henry’s comments) What: Bernard Marx gets angry “talking about her as though she were a bit of meat” (referring to Henry’s comments) Bernard hates Henry and the Assistant Predestinator Bernard hates Henry and the Assistant Predestinator Henry tells the AP that he should “have some of her” referring to Lenina Henry tells the AP that he should “have some of her” referring to Lenina This shows how affairs, promiscuity and sex is encouraged in BNW society This shows how affairs, promiscuity and sex is encouraged in BNW society
History From Mond “History is bunk” “History is bunk” Ford cut the top off of a cross to make a “T” Ford cut the top off of a cross to make a “T” Eighth Arrondissement Eighth Arrondissement Nine Years War Nine Years War the great Economic Collapse the great Economic Collapse British Museum Massacre British Museum Massacre Ectogenesis Ectogenesis Neo-Pavlonian conditioning Neo-Pavlonian conditioning Hypnopaedia Hypnopaedia Forced Consumption (Keep the Economy Going) Forced Consumption (Keep the Economy Going) 800 Simple Lifers killed at Golders Green 800 Simple Lifers killed at Golders Green Suppression of books and closing of museums Suppression of books and closing of museums Old age problems eliminated Old age problems eliminated