Welcome, Students! Mrs. Foltz 8 th Grade English/Language Arts Room 501 Please do the following: 1.Find your seat on the seating chart and have a seat. 2.Take the blank sheet of white paper and fold it into fourths (hot dog style); Write your first and last name on the paper so it becomes a name plate for you. (See my name plate on the white board.) 3.Quietly complete the student information sheet. I will collect these before the end of the period.
A little bit about me… My family Grady, almost five years old Batman Shylo, just turned three! Princess Travis, my husband…also a teacher! Summited Mount Rainier Older sister…she is my best friend and new neighbor My background Big Sky Country! My interests Reading! Playing with my kids Cleaning/Organizing
My classroom expectations ( in a nutshell ) Be respectful Classmates, classroom, Mrs. Foltz, and, of course, yourself! Be responsible Planner Website At-home/In-class files Work hard and be an Active Learner!
Beginning Class… Be in class and in your seat when the bell rings. One tardy: Warning Each subsequent tardy: Infraction Bellringer! (warm-ups): begin right away Done in spiral notebook Journals Vocabulary Quote of the Week Learning checks Weekly grade
Class… Mrs. Foltz’ desk is her space Get a drink, use the bathroom, sharpen your pencil, throw garbage away and recycle recyclables during “non-instructional” time Binders, books and supplies are stored under your seats ONLY No GUM No backpacks or bags No cell phones
Class continued… Work/study time (determined by Mrs. Foltz): Type…Looks like…Sounds like… Independent-students in seats -students being productive -students on task -silence Partner-students in seats next to partner -students being productive -students on task -students sharing responsibility -”6 inch” voices, a little louder than a whisper Group-students in seats with group -students working cooperatively together -students on task -group accomplishing work -inside voices
Class continued… Computers Available for student use, need permission Lockers Students will not be permitted to retrieve materials from lockers; come prepared!...or solve your problem! Textbooks Remain in room 501. Available for check out if needed, see Mrs. Foltz…also online. Give me 5! 1.Be seated 2.Be still 3.Voices off 4.Eyes on speaker 5.Active listening
Assignments Name, date, class period on every paper Use pencil or blue/black pen only! Neatness counts Late work = no credit (no exceptions!) Turn in what you have done, something is better than nothing) Be responsible for absent work Grade/correct all assignments neatly (red pen only)
Ending Class… Mrs. Foltz dismisses you, NOT the clock Stay seated until dismissal Books and supplies are put away neatly Desks are neat Floor is clean
Language Arts Reading Becoming better readers Literature books Novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain To Be A Slave by Julius Lester The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter (optional) Junior Scholastic magazine Self-Select Reading requirements (all year) Writing Becoming better writers Six Traits Essays Personal Narrative/Memoir Explanatory Argumentative Grammar Vocabulary- Greek and Latin roots Speaking and Listening How does Mrs. Foltz decide what to teach you?
Grades Categories and Weights Performance= 60% Projects, Unit Tests, Essays, etc… Homework= 20% Weekly reading logs, vocabulary exercises, grammar practice, etc…. Class work= 20% Bellringers, reading responses, quick writes, Socratic Seminars, etc…
Information/contact me Web site Telephone