Unit 25 Getting to the Destination目的地. Key Vocabulary 1.boarding pass 登機證 6.metal detector 金屬物品探測器 2.luggage/baggage 行李 7.go through customs 7.go through.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 25 Getting to the Destination目的地

Key Vocabulary 1.boarding pass 登機證 6.metal detector 金屬物品探測器 2.luggage/baggage 行李 7.go through customs 7.go through customs機場海關 3.airport terminal 機場航站9.runway飛機跑道 4.check-in counter 辦理登機手續櫃台10.cabin ( 飛機的 ) 座艙 5.arrivals and departures board 抵達及 起飛時刻電子看板 11.overhead compartment/overhead bin 頭頂上方行李置物櫃

Key Vocabulary 2 12.beverage cart 飲料推車 19.the boarding gate 登機門 13.disembarkation card 入境申請表 21.first-class 21.first-class頭等艙 15.turbulence亂流22.business-class商務艙 16.an oxygen mask 氧氣罩23.economy-class經濟艙 18.an airsickness bag 嘔吐袋 24.carry-on (luggage) 可攜帶上飛機的隨身行李 可攜帶上飛機的隨身行李

P.336 Useful Expressions Your flight will leave from Gate 22, which is in Terminal B. Your flight will leave from Gate 22, which is in Terminal B. 您的班機將從 B 航廈門遞 22 號登機門起飛。 您的班機將從 B 航廈門遞 22 號登機門起飛。 The pilot asks everyone to please stay in their seats. The pilot asks everyone to please stay in their seats. 機長要求大家請坐在自己的座位上。 機長要求大家請坐在自己的座位上。

P.336 Useful Expressions 2 I need to see your boarding pass, please. I need to see your boarding pass, please. 我需要看一下您的登機證,麻煩一下。 我需要看一下您的登機證,麻煩一下。 There ’ s a charge for luggage weighing over 20 kilograms. 行李重量超過 20 公斤要收取費用。 There ’ s a charge for luggage weighing over 20 kilograms. 行李重量超過 20 公斤要收取費用。

Sorry, we prefer that you use the bathroom in your ticketed cabin. Sorry, we prefer that you use the bathroom in your ticketed cabin. 很抱歉,我們建議您使用所持機票座艙內的廁所。 很抱歉,我們建議您使用所持機票座艙內的廁所。 Allow me to help you put your carry – on luggage in the overhead compartment. Allow me to help you put your carry – on luggage in the overhead compartment. 容許我幫您將手提行李放置在頭頂行李艙裡。 容許我幫您將手提行李放置在頭頂行李艙裡。 Please put your seats and tray tables in the upright position and please fasten your seatbelts. Please put your seats and tray tables in the upright position and please fasten your seatbelts. 請將諸位的座位和座位前方的餐桌恢復垂直方向, 請將諸位的座位和座位前方的餐桌恢復垂直方向, 也請繫緊安全帶。 也請繫緊安全帶。 P.336 Useful Expressions 3

Situational Dialogue 1 (C→ Clerk; P→ Passenger) C: Mr. Stevens, your ticket is for Flight (班機) 9001, from Taipei to Denmark (丹麥). Is that correct? C: Mr. Stevens, your ticket is for Flight (班機) 9001, from Taipei to Denmark (丹麥). Is that correct? P: Yes. I picked out 選擇 / 選出 my seats online, but I wonder if I could switch 換到( change ) to an aisle (走道) seat. P: Yes. I picked out 選擇 / 選出 my seats online, but I wonder if I could switch 換到( change ) to an aisle (走道) seat.

Situational Dialogue 1 C: I ’ m sorry, sir, but there are no more aisle seats available. I do have a window seat in the emergency exit (緊急出口) row (那排), though. C: I ’ m sorry, sir, but there are no more aisle seats available. I do have a window seat in the emergency exit (緊急出口) row (那排), though. P: No, that ’ s alright. I ’ ll just stay where I am. P: No, that ’ s alright. I ’ ll just stay where I am. C: Very well. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight leaves from Gate 21; that ’ s in Terminal 3 (第 3 航站), and boarding (登機) begins at 3:25. C: Very well. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight leaves from Gate 21; that ’ s in Terminal 3 (第 3 航站), and boarding (登機) begins at 3:25.

Situational Dialogue 2 A: Ma ’ am, I need you to please return to your seat (回到你的座位). The pilot (機長 / captain ) has put on (已顯示 /show ) the seat belt sign (標誌). A: Ma ’ am, I need you to please return to your seat (回到你的座位). The pilot (機長 / captain ) has put on (已顯示 /show ) the seat belt sign (標誌). P: I just need to go to the bathroom. P: I just need to go to the bathroom.

Situational Dialogue 2 A: Please make it fast (快一點 / hurry up ), then. We ’ re flying over a storm (暴風雨), and there ’ s sure to be turbulence (亂流). A: Please make it fast (快一點 / hurry up ), then. We ’ re flying over a storm (暴風雨), and there ’ s sure to be turbulence (亂流). P: Will it be bad? P: Will it be bad? A: You never can tell. Sometimes it ’ s nothing, and other times it ’ s bad enough to cause the oxygen masks (氧氣罩) to fall. A: You never can tell. Sometimes it ’ s nothing, and other times it ’ s bad enough to cause the oxygen masks (氧氣罩) to fall.

Listening Practice Listen to the following conversation and write T (true) or F (false) in the blanks below. ____ 1. The passenger is filling out (填寫) a disembarkation card ( 入境申請表). ____ 2. The passenger is changing planes in London. ____ 3. The passenger (乘客) missed his connecting flight. ____ 4. The weather near the Seoul airport is stormy. ____ 5. The attendant (工作人員) thinks afternoon flights might be delayed (耽擱 / 耽誤)。

P.345 Exercises ____1. Can I switch to a window seat? (A) Please proceed ( 前進到) to Gate 22 (第 22 號登機 門). (B) I’m sorry, but there aren’t any available. (C) Press (按) these two keys to switch between documents on screen (銀幕). ____2. Why is the flight delayed (耽擱 / 耽誤) ? (A) The pilot (機長) has asked everyone to sit down. (B) We’re experiencing (經過) some bad weather. (C) On the runway (飛機跑道), I think. ____3. I’d like a glass of soda. (A) One moment. The beverage cart (飲料推車) will be coming by soon. (B) Let me talk to the air marshal (空中警察) for you. (C) Please go to Terminal C.

Review :( A ) Listening Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below. The flight was __________ yesterday because of a __________ __________ approaching (即將來臨) Taiwan. The flight was __________ yesterday because of a __________ __________ approaching (即將來臨) Taiwan. The pilot wants to make sure everything is OK before getting to the __________. The pilot wants to make sure everything is OK before getting to the __________. There are __________ seats __________. There are __________ seats __________. May I see your __________ and __________, please? May I see your __________ and __________, please? The flight is __________ now at __________ 22. That ’ s in this __________. The flight is __________ now at __________ 22. That ’ s in this __________.

( B ) Writing 1 the luggage / will have / for Flight 570 / carousel / Which the luggage / will have / for Flight 570 / carousel / Which _____________________________________________. _____________________________________________. a disembarkation card / be needing / Will / you a disembarkation card / be needing / Will / you _____________________________________________. _____________________________________________. I don ’ t / to put / want / my laptop / in the overhead compartment I don ’ t / to put / want / my laptop / in the overhead compartment _____________________________________________. _____________________________________________. about / I ’ m / my connecting / worried / missing / flight about / I ’ m / my connecting / worried / missing / flight _____________________________________________. _____________________________________________. an aisle / near / I / seat / the emergency exit / would like an aisle / near / I / seat / the emergency exit / would like _____________________________________________. _____________________________________________.

( C ) Matching 1__luggage 2__boarding pass 3__terminal 4__cabin 5__overhead compartment compartment 6__pilot 7__beverage cart 8__runway (a) a building or seat of buildings at an airport where air passengers arrive and leave (b) the person who flies a plane (c) what passengers put their clothes and other things in (d) a ticket to get on a plane (e) the surface planes take off and land (f) what attendant use to serve drinks (g) an area on the plane where passengers’ things are kept (h) the place passengers sit on a plane