Assembly Procedure ALICE Outer Barrel Stave 14 Module 2 Cold Plates 1 StaveMarco Kraan Paul Kuijer.


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Presentation transcript:

Assembly Procedure ALICE Outer Barrel Stave 14 Module 2 Cold Plates 1 StaveMarco Kraan Paul Kuijer

We do not have a 3D measuring machine available full time for ALICE We cannot copy the ‘Turin procedure’ litterally We have only a small experienced technical crew Try to automatize the most critical operations (fine positioning,…) We still have until the end of 2015 before it must be ready for production staves in ~1 year of production ? General considerations

Module positioning table We will use 7 of these tables in a row Each table can move +-2 mm in X and Y and rotate

Module vacuum table Removable contact surfaces Vacuum connections O-ring XYΦ Flexible positioning table USB Microscoop Motor End switch Flexible driving bar Tension spring Dowel pin Exploded view Module positioning table

Module positioning table Flexible joints with a minimum of slip-stick Compact ; XYΦ adjustment in one plane 3 Linear Actuators Holding force >100 N Feed force 22 N X- TranslationY- TranslationRotation

7 position tables on a row One prototype table under construction

Two end blocks for positioning the Cold Plate Ruby

7 ‘Module vacuum tables’ Module vacuum table Module vacuum table fit within a defined way Vacuum fix the table About 1 mm distance between each table Storage plate for the Module vacuum tables

7 ‘Module vacuum tables’ placed on Storage plate Vaccum tables easily accessible by hand. 3 Contact screws define the Module position within mm on the table Contact screw One vacuum table is in production

Placing the Module When the position of the Module is fine, use vacuum to fix the position on the vacuum table The positioning table will be moved 2 mm away from nominal position to allow easy placement of the vacuum table Vacuum 2mm This should be an easy manual operation (students?)

Placing the Module Remove the ‘Contact screws’ Vacuum This should be an easy manual operation

Placing the Module Place the Module + Table on the Position table and slide forward till the Dowelpin is touched Add vacuum to the bottom of the table to fix the position Vacuum Dowelpin This should be an easy operation

Positioning the Module With the 2 Microscopes and Labview the tables will be posioned in XYΦ automatically Tedious finepositioning will be done by software

Placing the second Module Vacuum

Positioning the second Module

Positioning third Module

Positioning fourth Module

Positioning fifth Module

Positioning sixth Module

Positioning seventh Module

Placing Cold plate Glue is added to the Cold plate or the Pixel chips Glue should not be between the chips (under study) Cold plate placement should be an easy operatio due to the dowelpins Sideward flexure of the cold plate to be studied

Curing Cold plate Gentle force will be used Vacuum is still on Modules and Tables Dowelpins define ends of cold plates

Removing Cold plate + 7 Modules Vacuum is released from Modules When the glue is cured, remove and rotate the Cold Plate in a controlled way with a dedicated ‘pickup tool’ (to be designed) The dedicated pick-up tool will be turned over and all modules will be tested and soldered. Then the power bus can be connected also

Assembly-jig 2 Cold plates + Stave 2 levels with vacuum 2 Microscopes to check the position of one chip in the middle of each cold-plate Dowel pin holes for positioning the Cold Plate Microscope 2 levels Dowel pin holes

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Placing the lowest Cold Plate, again with the same dedicated ‘pickup tool’ Dowel pins define the ends of the Cold Plate

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Microscopes check the position If needed the sideways flexure of the cold plate can be corrected here manually (to be studied) using microscopes If the power bus gets in the way here then we have to connect it later or transfer to another tool (may depend on PB connection scheme) A test jig to assess the reproducibility of the cold- plate positioning is in preparation

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Dowel pins removed

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave 2 Microscopes check the position of one chip in the middle of each Cold plate

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave The position of the stave in X-Y will be defined by the dowel pins in the Cold plates The vertical position is defined by two blocks

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave The two blocks will be connected to the Stave before placing Glue is added on the Cold Plates on the places where the U- legs are

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Glue

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave When the glue is cured, release vacuüm on Coldplates and remove the OB Stave

ALICE Outer Barrel Stave

3D measuring machine to be upgraded for optical measurements. But not available full-time (2 days/week?) Clean room 35 m 2 for stave assembly ready Climatisation Vacuum Nitrogen (compressed air)

Assembly Procedure: ①Manual placement of modules on vacuum tables ②Manual placement of vacuum table on positioning table ③Automatic positioning with Labview and 2 USB Microscopes, ④Add glue to the Coldplate or Pixel chips ⑤Place the Coldplate (with minimum stress) on top of the 7 modules, press a bit down while curing the glue ⑥Remove and rotate in a controlled way the coldplate with modules from the 7 Posioning tables with a ‘pickup tool’ ⑦In this ‘pickup tool’ the soldering will be done on the FPC and first tests can be done. a.Power bus? ⑧Place two Coldplates on dowelpins on a separate gluing jig ⑨Add glue to modules or cold plate ⑩Position the Stave with the dowelpins on top of the two Cold plates Two staves/week?


Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave

Marker Module 3 Camera Marker Module 2 Aligning 8 microscoops with a Reference Lineaal Reference Lineaal fit on the ruby’s 14 markers (2/Module) within micron precision 2 markers where readout with one microscoop

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Placing the second (high position) Cold Plate

Assembly of 2 Cold plates + Stave Dowel pins removed