DDP 9/08/09
What is design? Is it something you sketch? Is it a bright idea in your mind? Is it something that makes you ponder? There are endless questions and answers about what design is. It is hard to just give one precise answer because design lives in so many areas of our lives.
These images try to give you a glimpse about what design is with simple words and illustrations. Maybe they will expand your horizon about design and give you better understanding.
design is persistent trying
Design is what you do when you don’t know what you are doing.
Design is all in the way you think.
What is Design? “Design is that area of human experience, skill and knowledge which is concerned with man’s ability to mould his environment to suit his material and spiritual needs.” Design is essentially a rational, logical, sequential process intended to solve problems. “initiate change in man-made things”
Design involves finding solutions that fit the user, task, and context of use. Properly designed objects -- including software, tools, and web sites -- fit their context so well that they are easy to use and beneficial to the user.
Design is: A discipline that explores the dialogue between products, people, and contexts. A process that defines a solution to help people achieve their goals. An artifact produced as the result of solution definition.
Design is knowing that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.- DaVinci
Design is a journey of self-discovery.
Design is thinking made visual.
Design is putting focus where it matters.
Design is patience.
Design is fun.
Design is knowing when to stop.
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