Day 6 “Quilting”
SSR (10 Min) You need your blue book today
SSR Journal Format (in notebook) (Book Title:__ Author:___ Total Pgs.:____ ) Date _____ Pg. I started__ and ended on __. Minutes engaged __. Journal: Describe any new characters that were introduced. Predict what you believe the conflict will be about. Share with your seat partner
Springboard: pg. 6: Quilting Create a vocabulary section in your comp notebook. Add the word “artifact” with information from the book. Add your OWN definition. Create a word web around the word quilting based on your knowledge. Then complete the brainstorm.
“My Mother Pieced Quilts” by Teresa Paloma Acosta Think Aloud (Me) TA(Silent Practice) TA(Partner) TA (Volunteer)
Literary Terms DictionConnotation Images Denotation
Questions 1-4 Answer individually and then check in with your seat partner.
Choose a significant image from childhood that symbolizes who are as a person. Look at your brainstorming map on pg. 6
Let’s make a class quilt!