New Beginnings: The development of a service for young male offenders aged with traits of emerging personality disorder Dr Sunil Lad - Counselling Psychologist NHFT Keith Conlon –Prison Officer and Keyworker Swinfen Hall Derek Johnson - Prison Officer and Keyworker Swinfen Hall
Background to the Service O Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust (NHFT) was awarded to run a Psychologically Informed Planned Environment (PIPE) and assessment and treatment service for male offenders with traits of emerging Personality Disorder in collaboration with the Prison Service at HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall, near Lichfield, Staffordshire.
About HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall O HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall holds approximately 650 offenders, it is a closed Young Offender institute for offenders aged and a Category C prison for those aged The service will be for male offenders aged between 18 to 25 years, with a history of violent and/ or sexual offending. Offenders will be serving sentences from 4 years to life.
Challenges of young men at Swinfen Hall O Understanding “bad behaviour” O Labelling behaviour as manipulative O Now understanding the causes and reasons
Delta Enabling Environment O 30 beds for assessment and treatment O Remaining 38 beds for progression O Group, individual work and keyworker sessions O CAT and DBT framework
PIPE O 60 beds for PIPE O Work led by prison officers O Not therapy O Uses the Good lives model and Desistance framework O Weekly structured, creative and keyworker sessions
Enabling Environment O The Enabling Environments Award is based on core values that contribute to healthy relationships. Through a standards-based accreditation program NHFT will be supported in providing evidence that the unit achieving excellence in providing a healthy relational environment for all their offenders’.
Progress so far…… O 7 men in assessment on DEE O 18 men on PIPE O Fully staffed clinical team O Awaiting more officers to support the clinical team O Working with the behaviour and the young rather than against or ignoring
The challenges…. O New service, will it work?? O Anxiety of staff and young men O High level of expectations and immediate responses O Introduced during austere times in the prison service and low staffing O Ingrained paranoia and mistrust in young men O Impulsivity leading to high levels of aggression O Macho culture- not wanting to lose face
The challenges O Difficulty in recognising emotions apart from anger O Stigma of those that have sexually offended O Introducing supervision and reflection to an organisation that historically have not
The environment O Punishment vs care dialectic O Inconsistency will happen…
The successes…. O Relationship between clinical and prison staff O Men positively engaging in service O Training requests from prison O Support from governor, commissioners and other sites
Moving forwards O Raising the profile and building relations O Joint training and visits O Fully staffed – increase numbers of men gradually O Launch day O Research
Any questions? O If you would like any further information about the service please contact: O Corinne Spearing – Service Manager O Telephone: