IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 1 IGG Agenda 12 th October 2010 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting 14:00 – 14:10 Review of Action Items 14:10 – 14:15 CER Update 14:15 – 14:25 ESBN Update – Gemserv Update – MRSO Update – Retail Market Design Service Update – Market Design Update – Next Steps – 15.40
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 2 Minutes Minutes from IGG meeting – 26 th August 2010
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 3 IGG Action Items Updated IGG Action List issued in advance of meeting Actions closed since last IGG meeting: 11 IGG Actions carried forward:13 Owner3 rd June Suppliers 0 RMDS 3 MRSO 1 ESBN 3 Gemserv 3 CER 3 Total13
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 4 CER Update
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 5 ESB Networks Update
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 6 Gemserv Update
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 7 MRSO Update
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 8 RMDS Update Retail Market Design Update Conor Garrigan, RMDS
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 9 Nov 2010 Market Release Documentation Market Release Background –MCR0177 – DG4 DUOS Tariff for LA Public Lighting –MCR0081 – Billable devices only on Extranet –IPT starts on 18 th Oct (UMS Suppliers only) –Go live on 21 st Nov For approval at today’s meeting –Assurance Approach v1.0 –IPT Scenarios v2.0 –Participant Questionnaire v1.0 (return by 18 th Oct for non-IPT suppliers; otherwise return after IPT) –Market Approach to Cutover v1.0
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 10 DR Global Aggregation Currently all Independent Suppliers settled based on the aggregation of metered quantities PES – settled by difference through respective Error Supplier Unit All of the financial cost of the Residual Error Volume on the registrants of the Error Supplier Units. Global Aggregation – equal treatment in relation to the Error Supply Unit for all Supplier Units in the SEM The approved Option allocate the financial cost of the Residual Error Volume to all Supplier Units, proportionally to the amount of non-Interval meter volume as calculated for the relevant Supplier.
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 11 Global Aggregation: Option E – Enhanced Dual Factor Smear Key features in the proposal include : –Facilitates Error Supplier Units in either Jurisdiction, which allows the Modification to be implemented separately in each Jurisdiction thus providing both an All Island solution and an interim solution for RoI jurisdiction without the need for additional work. –Calculation of the Loss-Adjusted Residual Error Volume –A new annual Residual Meter Volume Interval Proportion will be determined by the Regulatory Authorities –A new Non Interval Energy Proportion for each Supplier Unit in each Trading Period, representing the proportion of Supplier Unit volume that relates to Non-Interval Metering will be created. –Addition of the Non Interval Energy Proportion to the MDP message submission (currently including meter data).
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 12 Global Aggregation: Impact on Retail Market 590, MM MRSO will provide a daily NQH factor to SEMO for each supplier unit in line with and based on the current data aggregation procedures. The proposed method for providing this factor would be to use the current 590 message that is sent to SEMO as part of each data aggregation run. For the NPED 590 MM the factor will be based on the gross NQH consumption per unit and per 30 minute interval divided by the sum of the gross NQH demand + gross QH demand per unit per 30 minute interval. For the NPEG 590 MM the factor value will always be zero. This factor would also be displayed on the 596 and 597 messages. This will result in an additional field on the 590, 596 and 597 messages in order to carry the NQH factor.
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 13 Global Aggregation: Implementation CER has sought to have this DR progressed for implementation in the Retail Market in tandem with the necessary changes in the Wholesale Market and delivered simultaneously with the next Wholesale Market Schema Release (April 2011) in order to provide an interim aggregation solution to facilitate deregulation of ESB CS tariffs. At today ’ s meeting –Approved at HWG
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 14 DR0181 – Adding MP Bus Ref to COLE reads on the 300 MM V1.0 Requested Change –Provision of MP Bus Ref on 300 (and 300W) MM in response to 016 MM –Allows suppliers to uniquely identify the originating 016 MM –Field already on 300/300W MM so no schema impact At today’s Meeting –For Approval
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 15 MCR0179 – Downloadable Meter Point Details File V2.0 Background –Previously reviewed at IGG –Re-versioned to accommodate CER concerns –“Contact Allowed” flag and “Contact Telephone” fields now removed At today’s Meeting –For Approval
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 16 CoS Objection Process - Update Next Steps for RMDS from the last IGG meeting (26th Aug ’10) were: –Raise a Discussion Request –Analyse design elements and assess what is feasible to implement A DR (DR 1020) has now been drafted and is undergoing review by ESB Networks for feasibility RMDS anticipates having the DR ready for review at the next IGG in November ’10
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 17 Update on Defect Defect – Failure of monthly batch job to download a list of Eligible customers for the Extranet This defect has now been resolved and job will run on time from next month onwards.
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 18 Update on IGG Action 645: Provide list of open Defects and timelines for delivery RMDS has been actively reviewing the ISU list of open defects, including investigation of which defects are market-facing The following defects are due to be resolved in the November release: –Defect (CoS) This was raised to address a particular issue with new Registrations where billing triggers were not being created for open Meter Reading Orders with a read date > = Orig Move-In date. This has been resulting in more than one set of readings appearing on a subsequent 300 Market Message –Defects 8814, 9210 (Unmetered) This was raised to address issues with the Unmetered process where the 700 Market Message was not being generated in some instances where it should have been RMDS will provide a more detailed update of open defects at the next IGG
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 19 HRDS Work Programme – Outlook Workshop on 26 th October (Dublin, RMDS Offices) –HWG extraordinary meeting to accommodate workload arising from 15 DRs –IGG Prioritisation Workshop for ROI-Specific Requests
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 20 ROI-Specific Prioritisation Workshop Objectives / Agenda /Logistics –Prioritise ROI-Specific requests from active HRDS Request List –Proposed date 26 th October (same day as HWG Extraordinary meeting) –Open forum format
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 21 IGG Meeting AOB
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 22 Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for IGG meetings in 2010: Dublin –Proposed dates are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 23 Next Steps Conference Calls Thursday Thursday Proposed dates are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website Call details are as follows: –Number: PIN : –Contingency number remains: PIN: 80490
IGGIGG Industry Governance Group Secretariat: RMDS Secretariat: RMDS 24 Thank You