7 th Grade Seminar The Best is in the Middle
Don’t Stress, Find Success! Attendance Homework Ask for help Get organized Keep track of grades (Parent Portal) Manage your time Hang out with friends who care about school Set goals
Get Organized Without Losing It Your backpack is not a: -trash can, homework folder, refrigerator, or PE locker Manage your mess - clean out papers and unneeded items from folders and binders - use tools like subject dividers and pencil pouches The Clock is Ticking….. - Make a schedule - Prioritize ( What does that mean, anyways???) - Use a monthly calendar - Break down large projects - Reward Yourself
October Book Report Assigned 7 Other work Read Chpt Other work Read Chpt Other work Study for tests 10 Math test Spelling test Other work Read Chpt Other work Start Rough draft 15 Other work Rough draft 16 Other work Rough draft Other work Finish draft 21 Other work Rewrite 22 Other work Rewrite 23 Other work Rewrite 24 Book Report Due Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Homework: Just Do It Make it a Habit - Have a regular time - Have a regular place - Easiest vs. Difficult Dealing with Distractions - Noise - Siblings - Electronics Pace Yourself - Take a break, Have a snack, Move around
Grade Point Average (GPA) 2.0 is required to participate in extracurricular activities such sports and school dances 3.0 is required for Counselor’s Honor Roll 3.8 is required for Assistant Principal’s Honor Roll 4.0 is required for Principal’s Honor Roll
ACT report The Forgotten Middle states: Students who are not on track for college & career readiness by 8 th grade are not likely to reach that level of readiness by high school graduation. The level of academic achievement that students attain by 8 th grade has a bigger impact on college & career preparedness than any other factor including courses taken, grades earned in high school, or student testing behaviors.
Be SMART about Your Goals Specific – state exactly what you are aiming for Measurable – State what and when you want it Action-Oriented – State exactly what you will do Realistic – realistic is possible, not just a dream Timely – give yourself enough time What are some important academic goals in middle school?
Show Me The Money Assuming that a person works until age 65 and earns the average salary: o A high school graduate will earn nearly $333,000 more than a high school dropout. o A worker with some college will earn $538,000 more than a high school dropout. o A worker with a college degree will earn almost a million ($945,670) more than a high school dropout.
Getting Through Middle School Character Counts! Trustworthiness Citizenship Responsibility Respect Caring Fairness
What Else Is Going On?? Anger Depression Dealing with conflicts Problems outside of school Harassment/Intimidation
What To Do About It Physical Outlet (Releasing) Sports Exercise Creative Outlet (Expressing) Journaling Poetry Art work Song writing Talk to Someone You Can Trust Parent Other relative Counselor Coach Youth Pastor Friend
I was only joking… pbskids.org/itsmylife/video pbskids.org/itsmylife/video Is someone making you feel badly? Do you avoid coming to school? Are you afraid to tell someone? The National Education Association states: 160,000 students stay home each day because they are afraid to come to school.
Steps to Take Address the person calmly. Say, “I don’t want to have a problem with you.” Move away to an area with supervision. Share situation with an adult at school. Talk about it with parents at home. What Doesn’t Help Bad mouthing the person Confronting the person Getting your friends involved