Chapter 15 section 2 Pax Romana
What changes did the Pax Romana bring to Rome?
Pax Romana The peace that Augustus brought to Rome was called the Pax Romana. It lasted for 200 years (27 B.C. to A.D. 180) During this time, Rome and its people prospered, civilization spread, and cultures mixed.
Pax Romana Trade- With peace came increased trade. The same coins were used throughout the empire There were no tariffs or taxes placed on goods brought into the country or imports.
Pax Romana Money and goods moved freely around the Mediterranean. The area was cleared of pirates and shipping was a big business Luxury items were carried through the empire from China via roads (famous Roman Road was called the Appian Way)
Pax Romana Increased trade meant more business for Romans Italy became a manufacturing center for pottery, bronze, and woolen cloth
New Rules for all CDSD Middle Schools No high fives or fist bumps in middle school: Reasoning: Safety hazard and people feel left out. No laughing: Reasoning you are here to learn not to play around. No Gum/Candy: Reasoning: Destruction of school property/Safety issue. Bathroom breaks are limited to two times per week: Reasoning: Too many students are roaming the halls. All materials such as paper, pencils, use of an extra text book must be paid for: Paper will be $1.00 a sheet, Pencils will be $1.00 and text book rentals will be $ 0.50. The money collected will be used to purchase more material for the class. Reasoning: Budget concerns.
Questions to ask yourself Law: Why did the Romans change the laws set down on the Twelve Tables? Why is it important that Roman juris prudentes make the laws that are fair to everyone in the Roman Empire? Why was it important to make Roman law standardized across the empire?
Pax Romana Roman laws went through major changes. Because times were different the 12 Tables were changed or reformed. Roman judges had to write new laws that were fair to both Romans and non-Romans. They empire was so large and growing everyday so laws had be standardized. Special lawyers and legal writers called juris prudentes helped the Roman judges do this.
Pax Romana New principles developed with the laws: Laws were reasonable Everyone was equal before the law A person was innocent until proven guilty Roman legal principles formed the basis of the laws of most western countries in modern times and the Christian church.
Table XII Twelve Tables Whatever the People has last ordained (established) shall be held as binding as binding (secure) by law. What does it mean? Roman people have the final say on what the laws are. Reworded to make it fair Citizen of Rome will have the power to determine laws. Justification We wrote this because it gives a voice in lawmaking to all citizens of Rome, including people from newly conquered territory.
Table I Twelve Tables If the plaintiff summons the defendant into court he has to go. If the defendant does not go the plaintiff shall call witnesses. Then only he shall take him by force. If he refuses or flees, he plaintiff shall lay hands on him. What does it mean? If the defendant doesn’t show up to court he could get beat up by the plaintiff and forced to go. Reworded to make it fair Have the police apprehend the defendant Justification The police are a neutral entity.
To Summarize: The Pax Romana was a _____________that started when ____________________ became Emperor. 2 important things that came out of it were 1._______________________ 2._______________________
3-2-1 3-Identify the 3 laws you think are the most unfair 2- tell two reasons why they have to be changed 1 – What’s one rule/law today that you think should be changed?