Responsible and safer places where men have sex with men.… Everywhere A European Methodological Model of HIV Prevention in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM): Everywhere Progress and Update from – ANLAIDS Sez. Lombarda, Italy The Everywhere Project is co-funded by the European Commission (Executive Agency for Health and Consumers) Carmine Falanga
Project activities M1-M15 Filling-in of the Everywhere initial questionnaire, to collect information about the prevention works targeting MSM, implemented in the Lombardy Region and Milan, epidemiological figures, LGTB community (venues, sex-venues and internet) and homophobia. Participation in the kick-off meeting in Madrid. Filling-in of the Everywhere second questionnaire to collect information about: 1) outreach interventions on HIV/STI prevention amongst MSM using commercial sex venues (saunas, sex clubs, bars with dark-room). 2) “netreach” interventions on HIV/STI prevention amongst MSM using gay dating websites. 3) interventions targeting MSM tourists using gay tourism services, travel- packages and resources. 4) interventions targeting other gay businesses (sex shops, book shops, hairdressing salons...).
Project activities M1-M15 Review of the Everywhere initial questionnaire summary Review of the Everywhere second questionnaire summary Attendance to the ITALIAN CONFERENCE ON AIDS AND RETROVIRUSES, May 2009 (oral presentation) Hiring of the Social Mediator Silvia Negri Establishment of a collaboration with the network “Milano contro l’AIDS” www. Establishment of a collaboration with “Associazione Gay e Lesbica Italiana - ARCIGAY” (Mr. Paolo Patanè) Collecting information about business, travel agencies and night venues in Milan Link to the Everywhere website on (European projects section)
Problems No fresh data about HIV spreading in Italy and among LGBT population too Lack of data about the discrimination against people living with HIV or LGBT population (though the escalation of discrimination and violence cases toward LGBT population) Public Administrations are not collaborative on this specific project theme (stigma/prejudices and religious influence are very common in Italy) Solutions We informed the Public Administrations about the project with the aim to involve them in the next project steps
Activities planned for the next period Participation in the design and management of the prevention campaign Validation and Application of Everywhere model/protocol in our local context (in collaboration with ARCIGAY and “Milano contro l’AIDS”) Submission of the questionnaires to business, travel agencies and night venues (Social Mediator) Participation in the national events: XXIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE ANLAIDS ( November 2009 (Oral presentation + Poster) Mailing list with the contacts of business, travel agencies and night venues Participation in the final conference in Madrid Press release Other dissemination activities