Q: How do I view and upload a document? First, Login to NTREIS Transactions First, Login to NTREIS Transactions
Q: How do I view and upload a document? Second, Click on the Property Address of the file you are uploading the document to.
Documents…. Once on the summary page, you will scroll to the Documents section.Once on the summary page, you will scroll to the Documents section. To view a document, simply click on the underlined title of the document.To view a document, simply click on the underlined title of the document. To Upload a new document, you will need to click on “Upload Document”To Upload a new document, you will need to click on “Upload Document”
Uploading a Document…
Creating the fax cover sheet… First, create a “Title” for the document. Next, include any “Comments.” Set the “Document Security” by adding the roles that can view this document.
Creating the fax cover sheet… Verify that the cover sheet information is correct
Print Fax Cover Sheet…
Uploading a Document… Create a “Title” for the document. Next, include any “Comments.” “Browse” for the file, and double click to add.
Uploading a Document… Set the “Document Security” by adding the roles that can view this document.
Document Information Page… Once you have completed the upload or fax process of a document, you will be taken to the “Document Information” page.
Document Information Page… Options to: View Submit a Revision Document Add Comments Verify Document Security …are all done on the “Document Information” page.
For Additional Help: For Technical Support 6:00 AM -6:00 PM NTREIS Transactions: For questions regarding your transaction, please contact your Realtor.