Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core State Standards Initiative State Board of Education March 11, 2010
Presentation Overview Update on Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) development process and timeline Partners in review and feedback process Discussions with other states Latest observations (Draft 4) Next steps in the CCSSI process
CCSSI: Who and what? CCSSI: Who and what? Goals of initiative: –Fewer, clearer and higher-level standards –Aligned with college and work expectations –Internationally benchmarked –Consistent learning expectations across states
CCSSI: Oregon’s Involvement Memorandum of Agreement Race to the Top application State Board adoption: 115% rule Common assessment
CCSSI: Initial Content Areas Mathematics English/Language Arts
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts ODE team: –Julie Anderson, English Language Arts education specialist –Ken Hermens, English Language Arts assessment specialist –Jean Bond-Esser, ODE temporary staff (retired English teacher)
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics ODE team: –Mark Freed, Mathematics education specialist –Jim Leigh, Mathematics assessment specialist Field reviewers - Math TOSA group, content & assessment panel members
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Draft 3: February 8 th for final SEA review Draft 4: released for public input March 10 th Public comment period through April 2 nd, 2010 CCSSI website on-line survey:
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Collaborative Review Efforts ESDs, ODE and Educational Enterprise Steering Committee (EESC) partnership –Regional meetings Technical review of standards Feedback on potential impact on Oregon education system Oregon University System –Technical standards review session
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Sharing of Feedback 1. Send synthesis of technical review data to CCSSO 2. Present to State Board in April a.Synthesis of technical review data b.Synthesis of implementation comments/concern c.CCSSO on-line survey report d.Survey of OUS Faculty Teaching Entry Level Classes that Require Math
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Conversations with other states NASBE Common Core Standards Conference, February 1-2 STEM community conference calls hosted by Education Northwest Other state conferences and meetings
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts How are they different from Oregon’s current standards? Grade level standards at 11 th and 12 th Embedded college & career ready standards for analysis & vertical alignment Little or no identical standards repeated across grades Increased rigor through reading standards that specify text complexity
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts How are they the same? Common research base (CA, MA, NAEP) Rigorous K-2 Reading standards; foundational skills Specific writing standards for narrative, expository (explanatory), argument and research Standards statements with strong verbs & parenthetical examples where needed
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics How are they different from Oregon’s current standards? More standards in the CCSSI document Some structural differences in content organization Increased difficulty (but rigor?) Weak process standards compared to essential skills
CCSSI: K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics How are they the same? Learning progression design; no spiraling Procedural/conceptual balance Promotion of mathematical process K-8 alignment between both standards
CCSSI: Next Steps Validation Committee Finalized Common Core Standards Development Group ACT College Board Achieve Professors K-12 teachers State Adoption State and public Input Feedback Group CCSSO