Passion Projects Brief Setting the Stage for T1
This term you will be EMPOWERED to... Make some of your own learning choices Demonstrate your best work Tell us all about YOU as a learner Share your learning in person and online
Email your Teacher/s Introduce yourself to them as a learner What do you like to do? What do you like to make, read about, talk about?
Choosing carefully... You need to MAXIMISE this opportunity Choose a topic that will demonstrate POWERFUL LEARNING: working independently, creative thinking, reflecting...
Thinking about... What are you interested in doing? How will it be different to last time? What can you do that you haven't already done? How can you use the iPad to go further - be more creative?
Story telling is POWERFUL! 8mm - old movies Movie Passion Project Digital book - video, audio... Podcast Story telling is POWERFUL! GarageBand & Film Clip Documentary Animation - iMotion HD Website Graphic Novel
Documentary / Information Story Telling Documentary / Information Music Visual Puppet Pals Pages Garageband iPhoto Pic Collage IMovie 120 BPM Photo Editor Comic Book Reel Director uJam CBB / Book Creator
Your video diary & blog You will be required to keep a video diary as a major part of your assessment. What stage are you up to? What decisions have you made? What are finding out along the way? ???
Visual / presentation/organisation/neatness Use of apps and resources Rubric Criteria 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points Visual / presentation/organisation/neatness Not appealing to the audience and doesn't flow well throughout the presentation.Project is messy and has clearly not followed any plan. Has some attractive elements and some evidence of a plan. Design has been considered and there is evidence of a plan. Some attractive elements. Design has been carefully considered and the presentation shows clear evidence of a plan. Consistently attractive elements. Creativity Non original idea and choice of type of final product is non engaging and not interesting for the audience to watch. Original idea, but choice of final is product is not very engaging. Original idea and product is interesting for the audience to watch. Very original idea and very engaging to an audience. Content No media used, and information is inaccurate. Only used 1 type of media and information is somewhat accurate. Used a few types of media and information is pretty accurate. Thorough use of media and information is well researched. Use of apps and resources Only used 1 apps Yand all information has come from the one source. Use of 1-2 apps and information is from a few sources. Use of a few different apps and information has come from many sources. Appropriate use of apps and information has come from and been checked by several sources.