Bowling for Columbine Soc 12 Reid
How does media impact our daily lives? Give specific examples. Discuss your views about violence in our society. What or who creates violent individuals? Who is responsible when a child or young adult commits a crime? What do you fear in our society and why? What do you think causes your fears? 5. Where do you stand on gun ownership and gun control issues? Be specific.
What issues and themes does the film present? What questions about the United States are raised in the film? What additional information would be helpful when seeking solutions to problems that are raised in the film? When young people commit violent acts, who and/or what are to blame? 10. According to Michael Moore, who conditions people in the United States to believe that their communities are dangerous?
11. What does the news media want people to feel about violence 11. What does the news media want people to feel about violence? Who is the most common suspect show on television? 12. Do the media play on our fears or create new messages? Why? 13. Take a position and support it: Do you believe the media is reliably reporting what is happening around the world? Why? 14. According to filmmaker Michael Moore, the number of household guns in a country does not necessarily equate the degree of gun violence in that country. If it's not the number of guns, what factors do contribute to the violent nature of a society? 15. Other than the gun violence, what other forms of violence does Moore point to in the film? Moore has stated that sometimes governmental acts, such as Michigan's Welfare to Work program, amount to state-sponsored acts of violence on the poor. What do you think he means by this?
16. How does Marilyn Manson respond to allegations that he is to blame 16. How does Marilyn Manson respond to allegations that he is to blame? Who does he imply was influential? 17. How does Moore use the soundtrack to convey his messages? What song would you select to convey the overall feel of this film? How many gun murders were there in Sarnia, Ontario, in the past three years? How many in Windsor? What are some misconceptions about Canada? What is the truth? 20. Does Canada have guns? In 2001, could they get guns/ ammunition easily? Explain.
How is Canadian TV news different from TV news in the United States? How is the health care system in Canada different from health care in the United States? What did you think about the film? Do you agree with the position that Michael Moore is presenting to the viewer? What are some of the questions this film poses? 24. After watching this film, what else do you want to know?
Bias Michael Moore’s documentary film “Bowling for Columbine” explores the social issue of gun violence in the United States. Exploring this topic from several different angles, he uses his film to present the findings of his research in an attempt to show his viewer the complete picture of why gun violence is so prominent in the United States. Although convincing, one still has to wonder if Moore considered all perspectives giving his viewers a neutral perspective, or has he manipulated the information he is presenting to you in a manner so that you are convinced his point of view is correct. Using specific examples from the film, analyze the documentary to determine if any bias may be contained within it.
What recommendations would you give to Michael Moore to make his film more neutral?