CTE Diversified Occupations This course is currently running in the high school with 5 students working in various fields that are not offered in our other CTE programs.
FRESHMEN SEMINAR Freshmen Seminar will be a 45 day course designed to help students transition to the high school. All 9 th grade students will take this course.
ART AP Studio Art Students can complete a portfolio in either 2-D Design, 3-D Design, or Drawing.
BUSINESS Video Game Design This elective will be available for all students, grades 9-12.
MATHEMATICS Introductory Statistics Statistics will serve as a mathematics option for students seeking higher education, but not as interested in pursuing calculus.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Fitness and Training Learning lifelong fitness. Officiating Team and Individual Sports Preparing students to give back to the community. Leadership and Adventure Education Training tomorrow’s leaders today.
SCIENCE Interactive Biological Science This course is being offered in a digital format and will provide remediation to students who have not achieved proficiency on the Keystone Biology exam.
SOCIAL STUDIES Social Problems Social Problems is a continuation of our current Sociology course.