Freshman Honors Biology
Studied by paleontologists Remains of past dead organisms Forms in sedimentary rock Include Eggs Whole skeletons and pieces of them Footprints Even coprolite…(animal poop)!
Change over Time Over 99% of species that have lived on Earth are extinct Extinct- all members of the species are dead Extinction Extinction
Relative Dating Age of fossil is determined by its location compared to other fossils Find relative age by comparing Rock layer location- laid down in order from bottom (oldest) to top (youngest) Index fossil location- fossil of know age Must occur in a wide geographic area Be easily recognizable Only lived for a short period of time
Radioactive Dating (Absolute age) Age of fossil is determined by determining a ratio of radioactive elements in the fossil Radioactive elements decay into other elements Decay is predictable and consistent Half-life- the amount of time it takes for half of a sample to decay
Divided into eras and then periods
Evolution of Macromolecules Unicellular organisms Eukaryotic cells Multicellular organisms Endosymbiotic theory- eukaryotic cells created from symbiotic communities of prokaryotes Double membrane around many organelles Some organelles contain their own DNA and DNA looks like prokaryote DNA