Intellectual Property Rights (Pirating) Pornography using the internet Pyramiding scam using the internet Pyramiding scam using the internet Gaming or lottery
ABSTRACT International software piracy, a major concern for intellectual property owners, is considered in the context of intellectual property rights laws, national cultural landscape, and economic environment. To evaluate the impact of legal and regulatory environments, the World Economic Forum surveyed business leaders on the level of intellectual property protection in their country. Regarding national culture, five (5) dimensions identified by Hofstede are considered. To evaluate the economic impacts, a country's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at purchasing power parity is utilized. All three factors were found to be related to software piracy. Managerial and policy implications of this study are discussed.
Abstract Since the communication age is an appropriate term for the world today, mass media, especially Internet and its consequences(internet addiction, addiction to pornography sites and etc.) can affect the religious, national & personal identity and mental health. The present study examines pornography as one of the high risk behaviors of using the Internet based on different literature and propose some strategies to prevent it. Materials and Methods: The research methods has been done by descriptive and content analysis. At first internet pornography of different perspectives in the field of addiction to the internet and addiction to pornography from the scientific literature during the years was obtained by the relevant educated specialist, then the data was coded and categorized and the subjects were discussed and the more emphasized issues, were extracted Results: Researches show that 80 percent of Internet searches among internet users and specially in Iranian users is immoral and sexual sites because "pornography" is very common and attractive field in internet,the great number of porn sites with free membership increases the opportunity for youth to access and visit the immoral and ugly websites almost every day and every where. Also Internet may affect users by chartroom,and increases Internet suicide, internet robbery, the distance between the imaginary real world and virtual spaces,browsing in anti religious sites, apathy,aggression,sexual corruption. They cause disturbances in mental health and youth’s identification inmoral,sexual and religious dimensions.
Abstract A pyramid scheme is a scheme in which a hierarchy is created by people joining under others who joined previously, where those who join, make payments to those above them in the hierarchy, with the expectation of being able to collect payments from those who join below. All pyramid schemes rely on increasing numbers of unsuspecting investors to buy into the bottom of the chain in hopes of taking money out once they reach the top. Because is practically instantaneous, relatively anonymous and incredibly cheap, it is an almost ideal vehicle for this type of scam. Like other scams, a pyramid scam may promise rates of return that seem just too good to be true for little or no effort on your part, or it may initially be vague about what your initial investment will go toward. What happens in a pyramid scheme is that existing investors are paid a return based on the promoters’ ability to raise new funds; once the fund raising stops, later investors cannot be repaid and the pyramid collapses.
Abstract " After a big lottery win, planning is everything" says Anderson, lead programmer at Lotto Buster Software. "The initial decisions you make are going to determine if the money will bring you great happiness or if you are destined to become another ‘riches to rag’ story." So what should you do if you hit ‘the big one’? Anderson advises that you do the following before spending any money or making any commitments. After a big lottery win, planning is everything" says Anderson, lead programmer at Lotto Buster Software. "The initial decisions you make are going to determine if the money will bring you great happiness or if you are destined to become another ‘riches to rag’ story." So what should you do if you hit ‘the big one’? Anderson advises that you do the following before spending any money or making any commitments.