Intellectual Property Rights Pornography Using The Internet Pyramiding Scam Using The Internet Gaming or Lottery
PIRACY The rapid growth of the digital economy, enabled by broadband penetration, and coupled with increases in computing power and storage, creates global markets for content and rights holders. But it also creates a threat that — without adequate controls — piracy will damage the creative industries. The discussion paper on which this article is based, “Intellectual property rights in today’s digital economy”, therefore focuses in particular on the ways that the growing digital economy is impinging on copyright.
PORNOGRAPHY Pornography is rampant within society. It is an epidemic that is damaging the lives of young people, destroying marriages, producing false views of sex and beauty, and degrading women. The pornography industry has increased rapidly, and its increased availability has weakened moral and public standards that have traditionally stood opposed to pornography. The combination of the weakening moral standard and the increased availability has caused its effects to become even more widespread, making proper teaching about pornography a necessity.
PYRAMID SCAM Pyramid schemes are illegal and very risky ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes that can cost a lot of people a lot of money. Promoters at the top of the pyramid make their money by having people join the scheme. Then they pocket the fees and other payments made by those who join under them. In a typical pyramid scheme, a member pays to join. The only way for the member to ever recover any money is to convince other people to join up and to part with their money as well. In contrast, people in legitimate multi-level marketing earn money by selling genuine products to consumers, not from the recruiting process. Be aware though, some pyramid scheme promoters disguise their true purpose by introducing products that are overpriced, of poor quality, difficult to sell or of little value. Making money out of recruitment is still their main aim. People often hear about pyramid schemes from friends, family or neighbors. Normally, pyramid schemes recruit members at seminars, home meetings, over the phone or even by mail. Now email, usually as spam, is increasingly used to recruit members as well.
GAMING/LOTTERY Internet gaming or e-gaming refers to a gambling activity that is played on or through a computer connected to the Internet. As none of the gaming policies currently in effect allow for the conduct and management of Internet gaming in the province, this section offers general background about Internet gaming. It includes a cursory overview of Internet gaming activities in Canada and internationally. This section also provides highlights of some key views and perspectives of adult Albertans regarding Internet gaming. The perspectives of stakeholders are also provided.