Note: The text of the following slides does not represent the views of the European Commission. All the slides have been discussed and debated by the audience, they are a rough summary of more complex work undergone by the forum participants. Please read the forum report and conclusion for more accurate information.
What was the last ETAP Forum about? a.Financing eco-innovation b.Sustainable Construction c.Markets for eco- innovation d.Vienna hospitality
You will be familiar with the acronym LMI. What does it stand for? 1.Linear Matrix Inequality 2.Local Management Interface 3.Low Material Intensity 4.Lead Market Initiative
The EU framework in the area of emerging technologies …. adequate to ensure consumer safety 2.hampers consumer safety
The EU framework in the area of emerging technologies …. 1.promotes business innovation 2.restricts business innovation
In your opinion, which of these emerging technologies will have the biggest impact on environmental industries? 1.Biotechnology 2.Nanotechnology 3.ICT 4.Robotics
In what environmental sectors will emerging technologies have the greatest impact? (identify up to three) 1.Groundwater remediation 2.Environmental management 3.Water quality 4.Emission control 5.Pollution prevention 6.Renewable energy 7.Resource efficiency 8.Other…. MULTIPLE ANSWERS