Today: DNA Extraction! Shireen Rudina
Procedure Mash up your fruit with mortar and pestle, it must be completely mashed before #2. Filter the solution into a beaker, and then transfer to a test tube. Centrifuge for 10 minutes Make a solution with 10 mL of detergent and 4 g of salt. Add this solution to your test tube, and swirl to mix. Incubate for 10 minutes. Add COLD ethanol to the test tube and watch your chromatin form!
Centrifuge must be balanced
What are some of the barriers we need to break to extract DNA? Cell wall Ribosome Golgi complex Nuclear membrane Cell membrane
Which of these objects does NOT have DNA? Humans= 30,000 genes 3,000 genes 20,000 Fish Rock Flower Bacteria (prokaryotic)