IEEE TAB June, 2005
New Systems Council This Council integrates IEEE activities regarding aspects of multiple disciplines and specialty areas associated with the engineering of systems. This Council covers, but is not limited to the following: –Systems engineering, education, standards, processes and methodologies –Modeling, simulation and integration related to design, testing, production and support –Design aspects for robust design, human factors, safety, security and usability –Transition of products from design to production, deployment and use –Quality control and system management –Program/product/project management interactions –Risk management –Systems architecture
Other Actions Approve new IEL distribution formula: –10% base – divided equally among societies –35% content – divided proportionately to # articles –55% Xplore hits from institutional subscribers Approved Computer Society change in scope to include haptics Initiated annual review of new periodicals Required 20% differential in member/non- member conference registration fees.
Other Actions Approved that all new societies/councils shall have provisional status (no vote) for three years or until they meet their business plan. If they do not meet business plan within five years they shall be merged or discontinued. Approved new council on Electronic Desing Automation (CEDA) Division designated by number, not name
Other Actions Approved many changes to TAB operations manual. Standard date form for IEEE shall be YYY- MM-DD. Phillip LaPlante next VP for Publications, Services and Products Board (PSPB). Approved large variety of rates, e.g., page costs, periodical prices, IEL/ASPP prices, etc. Approved Security and Privacy and Nano- Bioscience for sharing ASPP income.
Other Actions Approved several new publications Approved several society name changes Approved a number of awards Approved requiring 20% budget surplus for conferences. Approved requiring conference budget approval 18 months in advance of conference. Approved trial of new agenda and meeting schedule process. Numerous other detailed issues. TAB minutes available on web.