Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Standards Survival Kit: How to Make Sense of the New AASL Standards
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Standards for the 21 st Century Learner
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Standards The four main sections of Standards for the 21st Century Learner Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Strands The four parts of each standard Skills Skills Dispositions in Action Dispositions in Action Responsibilities Responsibilities Self-Assessment Strategies Self-Assessment Strategies
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Indicators The sub-categories that describe what abilities students should demonstrate in the four strands of each standard. The sub-categories that describe what abilities students should demonstrate in the four strands of each standard.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Indicators The sub-categories that describe what abilities students should demonstrate in the four strands of each standard The sub-categories that describe what abilities students should demonstrate in the four strands of each standard Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Strand 1.1: Skills Indicator 1.1.1: Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard The Learning Indicators & Assessment Task Force has developed… Benchmarks Benchmarks Sample Tasks and Sample Performance Assessments Sample Tasks and Sample Performance Assessments Levels of Proficiency Levels of Proficiency Connections to Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities Connections to Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities Self-Assessment Strategies: Self-Questioning Examples Self-Assessment Strategies: Self-Questioning Examples for Standard 1
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Standards for the 21 st Century Learner in Action What would these look like for a fifth grade learner? What would these look like for a fifth grade learner?
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Benchmarks Abilities students should demonstrate by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12+ for each indicator Abilities students should demonstrate by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12+ for each indicator
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Benchmarks Abilities students should demonstrate by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12+ for each indicator Abilities students should demonstrate by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12+ for each indicator Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Strand 1.1: Skills Indicator 1.1.1: Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life. Grade 5 Benchmark: Follow a process whenever pursuing new information through inquiry or research.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Sample Tasks and Sample Performance Assessments Examples of what students might be asked to do to meet the benchmarks for a particular indicator and tools to determine that the benchmarks have been met. Examples of what students might be asked to do to meet the benchmarks for a particular indicator and tools to determine that the benchmarks have been met.
Sample Tasks and Sample Performance Assessments Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Strand 1.1: Skills Indicator 1.1.1: Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and make the real-world connection for using this process in own life. Benchmark: Follow a process whenever pursuing new information through inquiry or research. Sample Task: Conduct a class investigation on how safe is our drinking water. Develop an individual process folio that includes evidence of your contributions throughout the investigation, e.g., your hypothesis, how you collected and analyzed data, and how you contributed to a class multimedia presentation of findings to share with the community board. Sample Performance Assessment: Use a checklist to determine if the process folio includes all the required components and if each component has been adequately completed.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Levels of Proficiency How well students perform a particular task, or exhibit a particular disposition or responsibility Basic Basic Proficient Proficient Exemplary Exemplary
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Levels of Proficiency Levels of Proficiency for Sample Task BasicProficientExemplary Document most of the components of the investigation. Document most of the components of the investigation. Develop conclusions that are partially supported by the evidence. Develop conclusions that are partially supported by the evidence. Document all components of the investigation. Document all components of the investigation. Formulate and support conclusions with satisfactory evidence. Formulate and support conclusions with satisfactory evidence. Document all components of the investigation with more information than required. Document all components of the investigation with more information than required. Formulate and support conclusions with detailed evidence. Formulate and support conclusions with detailed evidence.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Connections How each sample task addresses the Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities strands How each sample task addresses the Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities strands
Connections Connections with Dispositions and Responsibilities Sample Disposition 1.2.1: Display initiative and engagement by posing questions and investigating the answers beyond the collection of superficial facts. Levels of Proficiency for Sample Disposition BasicProficientExemplary Pose questions but largely at the factual level. Pose questions but largely at the factual level. Require intensive instructor guidance to investigate the answers. Require intensive instructor guidance to investigate the answers. Pose questions at both the factual and higher levels of thinking. Pose questions at both the factual and higher levels of thinking. Require some instructor guidance to investigate the answers. Require some instructor guidance to investigate the answers. Pose questions at both the factual and higher levels of thinking. Pose questions at both the factual and higher levels of thinking. Require little instructor guidance to investigate the answers. Require little instructor guidance to investigate the answers.
Connections How each sample task addresses the Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities strands How each sample task addresses the Dispositions in Action and Responsibilities strands Connections with Dispositions and Responsibilities Sample Responsibility 1.3.4: Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community. Levels of Proficiency for Sample Responsibility BasicProficientExemplary Offer opinions and information to group discussions on occasion. Offer opinions and information to group discussions on occasion. Offer opinions with supporting evidence to group discussions whenever appropriate. Listen to opinions and evidence of others and respond to them in offering own opinion and evidence to group discussion.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Self-Assessment Strategy: Self-Questioning Questions students might ask themselves to assess their own learning process. Questions students might ask themselves to assess their own learning process.
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Self-Assessment Strategy: Self-Questioning Questions students might ask themselves to assess their own learning process. Questions students might ask themselves to assess their own learning process. Self-Assessment Strategies Self-Questioning Examples What process will I need to follow to investigate this question? What process will I need to follow to investigate this question? What do I expect to find? What do I expect to find? Have I collected sufficient data? Have I collected sufficient data? Is my conclusion supported by my data? Is my conclusion supported by my data?
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard
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Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard Kathy Lowe Executive Director Massachusetts School Library Association PO Box 658 Lunenburg, MA
Kathy Lowe and Susan Ballard