Teacher in Residence Sign in and take any graded homework from your folders. Turn in your TWS – Teaching Context and Unit Overview Please sit with your table group
Warm-up Complete this sentence individually on a sticky note and then share your thoughts with your table group. “You know you’re a good teacher when...”
Agenda Learning Objective Housekeeping Instruction - Assessment Teacher Work Sample- Comprehensive Assessment Plan (Stage Two) Homework Closure
OBJECTIVE Candidates will know types of assessment to be able to develop a comprehensive assessment plan for the Teacher Work Sample Unit of Study.
Housekeeping Law Artifact Grade Sheet Please revise your answers if needed before you put it in your portfolio No Class on Oct. 27 Veteran Teacher Study – Due Nov. 3 Midterm Questions – Will be ed to you on Oct. 21. This is due Nov. 3 *Homework that is due tonight: Teaching Context and Unit Overview
Teacher Work Sample Thinking Ahead... Your two week unit will need to be taught before Winter Break (between Dec. 1 and Dec. 19) The TWS (except for Unit Analysis) is due Dec. 1
TWS: Prior Knowledge- Assessment At your table, on chart paper, brainstorm a list of things you do, use, know about in order to assess students.
TWS: Assessment What are the 3 types of assessments: 1. Diagnostic: Can be done before or after instruction and tells us what students know 2. Formative: Done during instruction and tells us about problems, errors, student misunderstandings 3. Summative: Done at the end of a lesson/unit/course and tells us what students have learned
TWS: Assessment At your tables: Look at your list of assessments and label each as Diagnostic, Formative and/or Summative
TWS: Assessment Share your chart with the class Read the handout on Assessment Look at examples in the chart How many examples did you identify?
TWS: Comprehensive Assessment Plan (Stage Two) Summative Performance Assessment – Expectations are clearly stated at the beginning of the process and act as a guide as students construct a response, create a product, or perform a demonstration Read through the handout on “Framing Performance Tasks Using GRASPS”. At your table, select at least two of the vignettes and fill out the GRASPS Task Design Prompts for each.
TWS: Comprehensive Assessment Plan (Stage Two) Begin brainstorming ideas...What would be an engaging, relevant and authentic way for your students to CONSTRUCT, CREATE or DEMONSTRATE what they have learned?
TWS: Comprehensive Assessment Plan (Stage Two) Page 6 of the Teacher Work Sample #1 GRASPS What is the... G: goal R: role A: audience S: situation P: product, performance, and purpose S: standards and criteria for success
Your Turn... At your tables, begin discussing your idea for a performance assessment. Fill in the blank GRASPS Task Design Prompts (to the best of your ability)
Formative Assessments You do these every day... Formal vs. Informal (A definition - Formal assessment usually implicates a written document, such as a test, quiz, or paper. An informal assessment usually occurs in a more casual manner and may include observation, inventories, checklists, rating scales, rubrics, performance and portfolio assessments, participation, peer and self evaluation, and discussion.) You will need at least 1 formal assessment for this unit For #2 in the TWS, please list the 2 formative assessments you will use during this unit along with the knowledge and skills they assess
Diagnostic Assessments Read the handout on Diagnostic Assessments Give yourself enough time to look at the data from your pre-test...ideal time to administrator this is the week before you begin your unit. Pre-tests tells you what students already know and can give you an idea of changes you may need to make to the unit (lesson plans). Giving the post test informs you what students learned and provides you with an opportunity to think about instructional changes you might make in the future.
Homework No Class on October 27 Due November 3 Veteran Teacher Study Midterm No Class on November 10 Due November 17 Comprehensive Assessment Plan (Stage Two) With the Kick-off Letter Don’t worry about the rubric...we will discuss this on Nov. 3