Pasifika Advisory Group Postgate School Together, We Learn and Achieve Ma te mahi ngatahi, ka tu pakari te matauranga
Rationale To foster quality engagement between Postgate School and its families in order to raise Pasifika achievement To improve the wellbeing of Pasifika students by building safe, supportive and inclusive communication between the management, Pasifika students and families at our school
Many schools have a Maori Advisory/whanau support group; however a Pasifika Group? Their role in most cases is one of support of kapa haka, fund raising and assisting with sport. Rarely do they focus on the school’s core business of raising achievement
When the School and parents of the students work together The potential of raising achievement becomes a reality
Pasifika Advisory Group The focus is to raise the achievement of the Pasifika students at Postgate School through the analysis of achievement data and provide support to our teachers; Making horizontal connections.
Achievement data may include Attendance Stand downs & suspensions Literacy & Numeracy National Standards/School Wide Testing Others as the group see as necessary
Central South Team currently involved in the Whānau Advisory Initiative George Konia – Pouherenga Matauranga Paea Dentice – Pouwhakataki (Hutt Valley, Wairarapa) Hone Nikora- Davis – Pouwhakataki (Horowhenua, Manawatu) Thom Kenny – Pouwhakataki (Wellington, Kapiti Coast) Regional Staff from Student Support and Schools Performance in the initiating stages –Daphne Jones –Pat Manning –Acknowledge Allan Wain –Project Manager and Paora Howe - Researcher
Postgate Keys to Maori/All Children's Success Ka Hikitia Teacher as Inquiry Ako-Partnerships in learning- co-constructed learning, identifying next learning steps Identity, Language and Culture- Linking/connections High Standards/expectations for all Teacher Capability- Teacher Accountability Relationships between school and the community we serve. Closer, meaningful, reflecting ‘home values’ Broad view of success- Realising the potential of all students. Not just inside the ‘box’. Maori having an education system that provides all Maori learners with the opportunity to gain the skills, knowledge to realise their unique potential and succeed in their lives
Effective teaching and learning depends on active engagement of the student Effective teaching and learning depends on motivation of the student The educator is also learning from the student Educator’s practices are informed by the latest research Educator’s practice is reflective Educator’s practice is deliberate Better understanding of the link between teaching practice and learning outcomes The learner and whanau cannot be separated. Effective teaching practices require learning contexts that are meaningful for the learner Accurate assessment Responsive feedback that supports further learning Knowing the student Respecting the student Valuing the student Integrating an understanding of cultural identity into learning settings is most effective when it contributes directly, deliberately and appropriately to shaping teaching practices and learning experiences for students. Maori students, whanau, hapu, iwi and educators sharing knowledge and expertise with each other to produce better mutual outcomes Building effective relationships with the learner and family/whanau
Māori potential in education Less focus on More focus on Remedying deficit Realising potential Problems of dysfunction Identifying opportunity Government Intervention Investing in people and local solutions Targeting deficit Tailoring education to the learner Māori as a minority Indigeneity and distinctiveness Instructing and informing Collaborating and co-constructing
Ka Hikitia does work. It represented a major shift in thinking Shifting from deficit, dysfunction and problems to looking at; Potential, maximising opportunities and building on success! Ka Hikitia is about challenging thinking, interrupting business as usual, using resources smarter and driving a faster rate of change because we have a sharper understanding about what matters most.
Why focus on Māori/Pasifika learners? Māori/Pasifika success = New Zealand’s success Equity; Social Justice; Demography; Economy; Productivity; Equity…….
What works? Creating cultural connections … Identity, Language, Culture Using identity, language, culture, assessment tools and student data well to make teaching and learning decisions
What works? Effective teaching where there are high expectations of, and strong learning relationships between, teachers, learners, families and whānau. Quality teaching has the greatest impact on student presence, engagement and achievement (McNaughton, Alton-Lee, 2003, Timperley et al, 2007)
Relationships for learning X √ √ √ √ X X X
Postgate School Data Writing Well belowBelowAtAboveTotal NumberProportionNumber Proportion Number Proportion Number Proportion Number All students 144.8%3712.7% %8328.5%291 Māori 54.0%1713.6%6652.8%3729.6%125 Pasifika 54.2%1210.0%7159.2%3226.7%120 Male 107.1%2215.7%7855.7%3021.4%140 Female 42.6%159.9%7952.3%5335.1%151
Gende r Ethnici ty Overall Score Overall Level Interes t - Writin g Ideas Score Ideas Level Structu re Score Structu re Level Organi sation Score Organi sation Level Vocab ulary Score Vocab ulary Level Senten ce Score Senten ce Level Punctu ation Score Punctu ation Level Spellin g Score Spellin g Level MalePacific1327<2B P1287<2B1232<2B14432P1280<2B1267<2B13652B MaleMaori1353<2B014202P14842A1232<2B14432P1280<2B13912B1043<2B MaleMaori1353<2B P1287<2B14112P14432P1280<2B1267<2B13652B FemalePacific14692A P1287<2B14112P14432P15914B15433P15213B MaleMaori14692A P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P15213B MalePacific14252P P1287<2B15213B14432P14692A13912B13652B MaleMaori14022B214202P1287<2B14112P14432P14692A13912B13652B MalePacific13782B <2B1287<2B14112P14432P14692A13912B13652B Female NZ Europe an14252P P1287<2B14112P14432P14692A15433P13652B FemaleMaori14252P P14842A1232<2B14432P14692A15433P13652B Male NZ Europe an14692A P14842A15213B14432P14692A13912B15213B MaleMaori1299<2B P1287<2B14112P1250<2B1280<2B1158<2B13652B MaleMaori14692A P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P15213B MalePacific14022B P14842A1232<2B14432P14692A13912B13652B MaleMaori14692A P14842A15213B15873A14692A13912B13652B MaleMaori14692A P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P15213B MaleOther13782B P1287<2B1232<2B14432P14692A13912B13652B MalePacific14252P P1287<2B1232<2B14432P14692A15433P15213B FemalePacific14472A P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P13652B MaleMaori14252P214202P14842A14112P14432P14692A13912B13652B FemaleMaori14472A214202P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P13652B Female NZ Europe an14692A214202P14842A14112P14432P14692A15433P15213B