Whanau Hui 15 o Here-turi-Koka, 2011 Wahanga 3
Nga Kaupapa Korero Te Tari Arotake – ERO Tahuna-a-Rua, Wahanga 3..pehea te koke Wharangi Ipurangi/Panui Kapa Haka – Noho/Selection/Whanau/Dress Rehearsal Fundraising Hangi Bunnings Corrections Department – Pa Dean Nationals Update Whanau tautoko for trip Budget – Update Whanau Payments & Cut off date Number One Uniforms/Vests/Jackets etc Performing Uniforms Te Puawaitanga
Te Tari Arotake Week 8 – Te Kura Auraki Week 9 – Tahuna-a-Rua Possibly korero to whanau around this time
Tahuna-a-Rua Pukeahurangi – Whaea Viki & Whaea Tui Pukeamohau – Pa Cribby Tirohanga – Pa Lewis Whaea Daz – Kei te ora tonu ia! Roadshows Visiting Teachers
Wharangi Ipurangi/Panui Bilingual Monrad PLEASE BE VIGILANT IN ASKING FOR PANUI FROM YOUR TAMARIKI AND READING THEM…… The panui are for all but all also need to know about what the panui is about…….
Kapa Haka Selection Criteria – Pa Lewis Whanau Roster – Kei whea mai! Dress Rehearsal – Week 1, Term 4. Friday 28 th October, will be a night for fundraising Noho Dates – As set Week 2, week 4, week 6, week 8 No noho week 1, term 4 as we will have a wananga at Monrad for Sat/Sun after rehearsal – Not a noho
Fundraising Hangi – Waiho ki RAHAKI! Bunnings Stocktake Wednesday 31 st August. 5:15 – 10:30pm 10 Spaces $50 per person Corrections Dinner – Pa Dean 8 th September Dinner Fundraising Opportunity Whanau Availability Kids to hand out kai etc & perform Meal only
Nationals Update Whanau Tautoko Travelling ropu of 70 70 with kids/tutors/whanau already Whanau are welcome to come along but find their own way as we are full with the 70 spaces We can accommodate for 20 more whanau in Whangarei but transport is up to individual whanau Budget Please see the handouts for the updated budget & Catering for the trip. Payments Need to be in by the end of term 3! Number One Uniforms These are compulsory and we will finalise cost and where they can be purchased shortly Vests/Jackets Still trying to work these into the budget Performing Uniforms All ready to go. $2150 and about $700 for other material etc
Te Puawaitanga Tuesday 13 th or Wednesday 14 th December Week 10 Venue – RSA/Travellodge/Whaea Jude Tau 8 Celebration/Tau 8 Covered Guest Speaker/s Tuku taonga He Po Okawa Whanau to pay for tickets 2010 = $14 kids & $27.50 adults
E te whanau, nga mihi. Kua oti mo tenei wa. Po Manahou!