Provisions for the GHz band (Ai 1.32) Resolution 84: sharing FS & FSS/BSS/MSS in GHz Resolution 128: RAS protection in GHz from new satellite systems Stakeholders: Fixed, Satellite (Defence) and RAS services APT/AUS proposals: existing pfd limits (Res 84); modified 5.551G limits (Res 128)
Provisions for the GHz band (Ai 1.32) - 2 Outcomes: Res 84: Existing Art pfd limits sufficient (non-controversial) Res 128: Revise 5.551G to reflect Rec. RA.769 limits for GSO and NGSO systems + Region 2 (Americas) Resolution to allow consultation for higher pfd levels in GHz for 2% of time Compromise to resolve controversial positions. No immediate follow-up needed.
Issues related to unwanted emissions (Ai 1.8) 1.8.1: Boundary between spurious and out-of-band emissions (App.S3) 1.8.2: Regulatory provisions from band-by-band studies (Rec 66) between passive and active space services. Affects RAS and Satellite services. AUS/APT position: Support new “domain” definitions (1.8.1); include BbB pfd limits into the Radio Regulations (1.8.2) controversial. USA adamantly opposed to “hard” limits in RRs. Canada proposed “threshold” limits for triggering consultation only.
Issues related to unwanted emissions (Ai 1.8) - 2 Outcomes: 1.8.1: New definitions added to Art. 1 and App 3 (non-controversial) 1.8.2: Compromise reached at Plenary. Footnote & new Resolution on “consultation” after BbB threshold limits reached. Limits in agreed table. + Resolutions to continue BbB studies for RAS and EESS & add to limits table after studies. Action: Follow new studies.