CIS 270—App Dev II Big Java Chapter 19 Files and Streams
19.1 Text and Binary Formats I Data can be stored in text format – Text is a human-readable sequence of ____________ – The integer 12,345 is stored as the following sequence of Unicode characters: ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘5’ – Text I/O is easy for humans – Reader and _________ classes (and their subclasses) used for text input/output – To read text data from a file in Java, FileReader reader = new FileReader(“input.txt”); – To write text data to a file in Java, FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(“output.txt”); – The Reader method _______ reads characters characters Writer read()
19.1 Text and Binary Formats II Data can also be stored in binary format – Binary is a machine-readable sequence of ________ – The integer 12,345 is stored as the following sequence of 4 bytes: – Binary I/O is more efficient for digital computers – InputStream and ____________ classes (and their subclasses) are used for binary input/output – To read binary data from a file in Java, FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream (“input.bin”); – To write text data to a file in Java, FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream (“output.txt”); – The InputStream method _______ reads bytes bytes OutputStream read()
19.2 An Encryption Program The CaesarEncryptor class gets the input and output file names, and the key, from the user, creates input/output _______ for the files, creates a CaesarCipher object, which then calls its encryptStream() method. The CaesarCipher class reads a character from an input file, applies an encryption _____, and writes the encrypted character to an output file. – int next =; – byte b = (byte) next; – byte c = (byte) (b + key); – out.write(c); streams key
19.3 Random (Direct) Access It is more efficient to directly access a specific data record in a file than to sequentially read/write all records. To know where to go in a file, all data fields must be of ______ size large enough to hold each item. ________ format is better for records of fixed size. Code examples: – (int) file.length()/RECORD_SIZE // number of records – * RECORD_SIZE) // move to nth record – file.readInt() // read the next int in that record fixed Binary
19.4 Object Streams A program can write data fields separately or can write entire ________ at once (binary format). – BankAccount b = new BankAccount(); – ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( “bank.dat” ); – out.writeObject( b ); Reading objects is similar. – ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream( “bank.dat” ); – BankAccount b = (BankAccount) in.readObject(); Another technique is to store several objects in an array and then store that array and save it. If objects use streams, the class must implement the Serializable interface (objects have _____ numbers). objects serial