Marine Metadata Interoperability - Web Services Marine scientists face an opportunity and a challenge in the volume of data available from various ocean observing systems. The MMI Project can help make it easier for you to find, access, and use other data sets. If you create marine science data sets, MMI can help make your data easier to advertise, distribute, reuse, and combine with other data sets. Our goal is to promote collaborative research in the marine science domain, by simplifying the incredibly complex world of metadata into specific, straightforward guidance. MMI hopes to encourage scientists and data managers at all levels to apply good metadata practices from the start of a project, by providing the best advice and resources for data management. MMI Mission Participating in the MMI Acknowledgements Ongoing funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation through grant ATM Major contributions to the project are being provided by SURA, the Southeastern Universities Research Association, and SCOOP, the SURA Coastal Oceans Observing Program, with funds provided in part by ONR, the U.S. Office of Naval Research. A significant bridge funding grant has been provided by NOAA's Coastal Services Center. Further support has been provided by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The MMI promotes events, such as workshops and web conferences, for the advancement of cyberinfrastructure in the marine community. Our hundreds of members regularly participate in MMI activities. Data complexity and heterogeneity from observed data source in the MUSE Project “MMI Workshop: Advancing Domain Vocabularies”, Aug, 2005 Register and contribute to the site, participate in and/or co-host a workshop that teaches how to handle your kind of data, participate in the interoperability demonstration, test, provide feedback to, and contribute to our guides, participate in our help forum and publish and manage online documentation about your project in the MMI site. Please send an to to get more information. Ontology Creation MMI is the liaison to bring community experts together to create controlled vocabularies and express them in the Web Ontology Language (OWL). These allows to clearly define the concepts and their relations, and to make inferences among them. Real Time Harmonization of Controlled Vocabularies GCMD CF BODC … Watch Convert to Ontologies Syndicate news via RSS Share updated ontologies via Web Services SWEET … Publish and Share Synchronize with GEON Ontologies … Vocabulary Mediation using Stand-alone Tools and Web Services RDF Query languages Response in RDF/XML getModel (String RDFQuery) Method Vine Tool Process Tethys Interoperable demonstration based on SOAP web services and OGC standards that uses semantic mediation. Easily Create mappings with few clicks Easily Search thousands of terms See inferred mappings on the fly Original properties of the term Relationship with other vocabularies L. E. Bermudez, J. Graybeal Protégé snapshot showing the description of an AUV SWOOP Snapshot showing why an AUV can be classified as a Watercraft MMI participation in other projects and activities Web Client to show latest salinity data from different data producers. Inferred Hierarchy for Watercraft. Why ? Data producers can use standard identifiers MOQuA environment developed at MBARI. SensorML instance for a system. ( User Benefits Web portals can classify data based on ontologies