All Year Groups
Clubs Seniors Volleyball Club Miss Dickman Tonight 3.00pm S5/6 only PE Dept
S5/6 Cricket Team Good Luck to the following pupils who will be representing Bellahouston Academy at the Final of the Glasgow Schools Cricket tournament tomorrow Buddies & Peer Mediation Training Any buddy / prefect who is interested in taking part in the Peer Mediation training on Wednesday 3 rd September am, please fill in an application form and hand it back to Miss Logan by Thursday 28 th August. These can be found outside Miss Logan’s pastoral care room.
S4 A reminder that all paper work from the 1 st day back (data forms, swimming forms, media permission forms etc) should now have been handed back to tutors and passed on to the office.
S3 A reminder that all paper work from the 1 st day back (data forms, swimming forms, media permission forms etc) should now have been handed back to tutors and passed on to the office.
S2 A reminder that all paper work from the 1 st day back (data forms, swimming forms, media permission forms etc) should now have been handed back to tutors and passed on to the office.
S1 Buddies A big welcome to your buddies, who will be in your tutor classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Acceptable Use Policies Mrs Johnston is still waiting on a number of returns of your acceptable use policies. It is crucial they are returned as soon as possible. Well Done to 1C, 1E, 1G and 1H who have all returned their forms. A reminder that all paper work from the 1 st day back (data forms, swimming forms, media permission forms etc) should now have been handed back to tutors and passed on to the office.