Group 1 The "deep web" is also known as the invisible web. It's all the content on the web that you won't find in a search engine. One reason is there.


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Presentation transcript:

Group 1 The "deep web" is also known as the invisible web. It's all the content on the web that you won't find in a search engine. One reason is there is a deep web is that the webpage owners don't allow search engines to display their webpages. Another reason it exists is to avoid clutter. A search engine searches for specific key words or topics (e.g. general knowledge-music lyrics). A web portal provides links to similar websites to specific topics (e.g. research report). A subject index is an alphabetical listing of different topics (e.g. researching a medical condition). Meta-searches is the ablility to check multiple websites at the same time for the same purpose (e.g. airline tickets).

Group 2: Sarah, Mary, Clairessa, Adam, Jody Nociolo/___zumuhead.html_files/school_clipart_boy_writting.gif

Information Information- Facts found from reading, doing, seeing, or being told Ex. Frog is an amphibian

Misinformation Misinformation- facts that are not true Ex. The earth is flat

Propaganda Propaganda- Facts, true or not true being given that help a specific person or people Ex. See pictures

Disinformation Disinformation-facts that are not true that are told to other people as truth Ex. If you cross your eyes they will stay that way

Works Cited tion/look_it_up.png confused-clipart-illustration jpg a.gif mages/questns.gif ral/evaluating/counterfeit.html

Information Literacy – Group 3 We first compared Yahoo to Yahoo kids to test how well it searches for questions. We noticed some differences which we noted below. Yahoo Kids Games, movie clips, etc Colorful, bold print Kid relevant information Simple content Social oriented Yahoo News Less dramatic colors, with more information packed into the page Consumer reports, jobs, travel, real estate, etc. Login capable to your own site and

Searched “Cars the movie” in both yahoo and yahoo kids. The difference between the two included: Yahoo – paid companies at the top for prime traffic Yahoo- included Wikipedia Yahoo – included image results Yahoo kids – seemed to filter out more sites Yahoo kids- included some of the same basic sites like Disney Kids Click Seems to be set up more like a library search. Kids can chose a topic and click links to filter their searches Colorful, but not overwhelming Produced by Kent State University School of Library Information Sciences

Ask Kids Simple with three choices of searches Sample questions – could be used to spark an inquiry Seems to answer questions specifically, but doesn’t redirect you to other websites to fin their own answers We would recommend Yahoo Kids, Kids Click, and Ask Kids. We would recommend yahoo kids for older elementary students. There is more pop culture and distractions that the younger students may be distracted by. Yahoo kids also gives broader results that the older kids can better look through. We would recommend Kids Click for younger researchers. It is set up more like a library. Students can use the links to guide them through their searches. It has fewer distractions within or around the site. Lastly, we would recommend Ask Kids. In this search engine, the results are given to you in answers, rather than websites. This would also be good for students who are less able to sift through search results. A teacher may need to pre-search on this site to make sure the answers it provides fit the criteria of your objectives.

Group 4 1.Commercial Bias – similar to an endorsement. Since news media is a for profit business they promote the products that bring them the most amount of money. 2. Temporal Bias – News media is competitive, and ever changing to promote a story or information that is new and fresh regardless of importance. 3. Visual Bias – News is little without a picture to show, and pictures are worth a thousand words, even if they are the wrong words. 4. Bad News Bias – Danger, sex and corruption sells, without an anticipatory hook there is little to look forward to. 5. Narrative Bias – The most opinionated of the biases, characters are made larger than their actual role, story lines are drawn where ambiguity is and once the story is told there is little that can be done to change it.

6. Status Quo Bias – News media downplays the importance of the underlying structure of an issue to reassure society that there is little threat to the norms of daily life. 7. Fairness Bias – News media balances the scales for opposing sides on air but this does not mean that the balance is consistent or relative. 8. Expediency Bias – News medias have competition within house, and reporters will stop at nothing to make the front page. 9. Glory Bias – News media individuals make themselves a part of the story so that they are recognized as a character in history.