9 th Euroindicators Working Group Luxembourg, 4 th & 5 th December 2006 Eurostat - Unit D1 Key Indicators for European Policies
New Methodological Pages Doc 179/ 06 Eurostat - Unit D1 Key Indicators for European Policies Item III - 3 of the Agenda By Gian Luigi Mazzi
Introduction Euro-indicators special topic : comprehensive information on infra-annual statistics - PEEIs To media Researchers Academics Students Official statisticians etc. Euro-indicators content: Data and metadata News and quality issues Methodological pages (under development)
Topics for the methodological pages PEEIs Flash Estimates Back recalculation Benchmarking Qualitative surveys Coincident and leading indicators Seasonal adjustment Cycle extraction Turning point dating and detection Convergence and synchronisation
PEEIs pages Increase the visibility of PEEIs Better clarify the meaning and the underlying projects of PEEIs Better explain similarities, synergies and differences between PEEIs and Euroindicators. Development of a set of pages on PEEIs
PEEIs pages structure (1) Background List of PEEIs History PEEIs Political framework Action Plan COM(2002) 661 final ECF Status Report New legal acts …
PEEIs pages structure (2) PEEIs Political framework Action Plan COM(2002) 661 final ECF Status Report New legal acts …
PEEIs pages structure (3) Improvement policies PEEIs flash estimates Filling gaps Production process acceleration Extending coverage Higher frequency Production of guidelines
PEEIs pages structure (4) Comparison between European Union and U.S. Comparison tables with metadata on structural differences
PEEIs pages structure (5) Quality issues for PEEIs Links to synthetic quality tables for PEEIs
Flash Estimates Methodology Alternative methodologies for flash estimates GDP and HICP Ongoing projects on flash estimates Results: available test results from flash estimates projects Software: FLASH program and other flash estimation packages Bibliography
Back recalculation Methodology Eurostat methodology for back recalculation Links with DG ECFIN, Members States, ECB, OECD back recalculation methodologies Eurostat test results Software Bibliography
Benchmarking Methodology Eurostat studies on benchmarking Eurostat methodology for a monthly indicator of euro area economic activity Links to DG ECFIN, Members States, ECB, OECD benchmarking methodologies Eurostat test results on a monthly indicator of euro area economic activity Software New Ecotrim, Other benchmarking packages Bibliography
Qualitative surveys Methodology Methodological studies on quantification methods Alternative construction of confidence and sentiment indicators and seasonal adjustment Links to DG ECFIN, Members States, ECB, OECD methodological studies Eurostat test results on Alternative quantifications Seasonal adjustment Confidence and sentiment indicators Software Bibliography
Coincident and leading indicators Methodology Eurostat methodologies for the construction of a coincident indicator of GDP and Industrial Production Links with DG ECFIN, Members States, ECB, OECD and private institutes methodologies on coincident and leading indicators Results Comparative table on existing euro area leading indicators Eurostat test results on the coincident indicators of GDP and Industrial Production Software Bibliography
Seasonal adjustment Methodology Eurostat guidelines for seasonal adjustment ECB recommendations for seasonal adjustment Eurostat and ECB recommendations for QNA seasonal adjustment Comparative analysis for alternative seasonal adjustment methods Eurostat test results on alternative seasonal adjustment of euro area and EU aggregates Software New Demetra Links to Tramo-Seats, X-12, X-13 A-S and other relevant packages Bibliography
Trend-Cycle estimates Methodology Alternative definitions of cyclical fluctuations Eurostat and other methodologies for the estimation of growth cycle and output gap BUSY project Eurostat test results on alternative trend-cycle decompositions Software BUSY Links to GAP and other relevant packages Bibliography
Turning point dating and detection Methodology Alternative methods for dating and detection of turning points Eurostat methodology for the construction of a statistical integrated chronology of turning points Links to existing chronologies of turning points Links to existing turning points coincident and leading indicators Eurostat test results Comparative tables on existing turning point chronologies Statistical integrated chronology of turning points Software Bibliography
Convergence and synchronisation Methodology Convergence and synchronisation measures Results Software Bibliography
Conclusions A real added value for the Euro-indicators special topic Significant workload for the Euro-indicators team Requests to the Working Group: Give its advice on the proposed list of topics Suggest improvements and/or modifications to the list of topics Contribute to the different topics by supplying the Euro- indicators team with all necessary information