Susan B. Farmer
You MAY NOT ENTER ANY lab room unless you are properly attired. Not for lab; not for a lab exam. Closed-toed shoes, long pants (NO SKIN SHOWING), and covered shoulders and upper arms – NO TANK TOPS 2
OUR MISSION… In the Science Department at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is to provide safe laboratory environments for our students, faculty, and staff. The ABAC Sciences Laboratory Safety Policies and Procedures along with OSHA policies are enforced to keep our laboratory facilities, students, faculty and staff safe.
BEFORE ENTERING A LAB… 1.Wear appropriate lab attire 2.Have chemical splash safety goggles 3.Throw away all drink containers, food products AND wrappers while you’re in the hall!!!
APPROPRIATE LAB ATTIRE: SHOES Shoes must be worn in the laboratory. No sandals, sandals with socks, open-toe shoes, clogs, flats, ballerina flats, slippers, crocs, or any shoe that does not completely cover the foot. Leather shoes are preferred. Ankles and tops of feet must be completely covered.
Shirts must have sleeves. No sleeveless, spaghetti strap, halter top, strapless, open-back, or tank tops. Wool and cotton are preferred materials. No loose/flowing sleeves or sleeves with holes down the arm. APPROPRIATE LAB ATTIRE: SHIRTS
APPROPRIATE LAB ATTIRE: OVERALL OUTFIT The following must be completely covered: Body below the waist Ankles and tops of feet Midriff, stomach, shoulders, and back
1. Your name 2. What are your plans after ABAC? 3. ABAC activities you’re involved in 4. Alternate address 5. Anything else you want me to know about you 6. Pictures – Facebook? Pinterest? Other? 8
My Class Syllabus Outside Inside Schedule Due dates for assignments Exam dates (all on Thursday – fixed) 9
Put BOTH names on your papers!!!!! No name; no grade ….. ABAC “emergency number” (229) I do not give out grades via /FB/etc. Check out links on my faculty page (some are under construction!) 11
Do NOT staple/fasten different assignments together! Make certain you have enough ink! Don’t pad a paper just to meet the word count. It really is obvious … (if it’s too short, you probably missed something!) Invest in a stapler Those stoopid caterpillar things on your paper? ….. Yeah ….. 12
All files will be uploaded to Check D2L for news Never, EVER delete an assignment from your USB stick until after the semester is over! Words that should never, EVER pass your lips AFTER you get your grade back …. I didn’t understand what you wanted 13
Get a real Word Processor – don’t use Notepad, Outlook, etc. to write your papers in. If you can’t afford Office, look into LibreOffice or OpenOffice. They’re FREE. You can’t cite Google. You may as well cite “library!” Wikipedia? An excellent starting point! 14
Identify yourself and which class you’re in! There’s a place for a subject line. Use it! Use proper English If you haven’t gotten a reply within 24 hours …. 15
If you can’t open them Right Click and save to the desktop – then open outside of your browser Let me know and I’ll put up.PDF files! Explore printing options to save paper (and $$$) and provide note-taking space! You can print in black & white! 16
Don’t say you couldn’t – you didn’t try! Voic – two addresses for you to choose from! (replies may come from Facebook – Susan Baker Farmer (and you don’t have to friend me to do that!) Office hours! Before/After class! 17
Don’t study to pass the test; study to Learn! Come to class (and not to talk/text) Start studying for The Test yesterday! Take notes – use PPT as outline! Transcribe your notes! Do the study guides before each exam Clarifies what you don’t understand! If you don’t get it, come and see me! 18
Do the assigned work! x.php/campuslife/23-science-backed- study-tips-to-ace-a-test x.php/campuslife/23-science-backed- study-tips-to-ace-a-test ighting-is-a-waste-of-time-the-best-and- worst-learning-techniques/?hpt=hp_bn16 ighting-is-a-waste-of-time-the-best-and- worst-learning-techniques/?hpt=hp_bn16 Read and FOLLOW directions! I take off points for not following directions! 19
Find out what kind of learner you are! Find out how you study best! Right brain or left brain? Take one or more of the self-tests 22
How do you learn? -- ml ml -- es/LearningStylesInventory.aspx es/LearningStylesInventory.aspx -- --
DON’T! I DO CHECK! And so does turnitin! Copying or paraphrasing without attribution is considered plagiarism. If it’s not an original thought with you, you’ve got to cite a source! (and in the text!) Check out PlagiarismExamples! If you don’t know how to paraphrase, check with the Writing Center! Quotations ….. 24
/copyright-infringement-plagiarism-and-fair- use/ /copyright-infringement-plagiarism-and-fair- use/ smVsCopyright.html smVsCopyright.html m-vs-copyright.php m-vs-copyright.php
Electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, calculators, earphones) are not permitted. Violations will result in a ZERO for the exercise. Personal belongings (INCLUDING CELL PHONES) at the front of the room If I hear OR SEE a phone during an exam, everybody looses 10 points! 26
Make-up exams will NOT be given (after the fact!) – if you miss it; it’s your drop grade Exams will be returned the following Tue. Bring 2 packs of scantrons before the 1 st exam Write your name in sharpie on the cellophane! 27
Handwritten study guides may be turned in before each exam for 5 points extra credit. Late Study Guides will NOT be accepted! Extra credit questions are on each exam Don’t be asking for more! 28
Bibliography – due 16 Jan Taxonomy for A Plant – due 26 Feb Annotated Bibliography – due 26 Mar When is it late? AFTER class time on the date due Penalties? Letter grade per class ….. 29
Every paper written for me must (but not limited to) be double spaced with proper margins! have a single spaced header block on the right of the 1 st page containing Your name Your class **AND** your class meeting time The topic of the paper Do NOT use the header function of your word processor! Separate header from body by TWO blank lines! 31
Every paper written for me must (but not limited to) USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS – even for paraphrases! include a proper bibliography (MUST be CSE style!) Be submitted to Make sure you turn it in to the correct assignment! I an NOT hunting it down! See files in Critter Paper Folder for full directions! BasicFormatting and CommonMistakes especially! If you can’t figure out HOW see me or the writing center! 32
Must be in the format that I provide 5 UNIQUE bibliographic entries 1 Journal article 1 book 1 chapter (contributed) in a book 1 website 1 “referred” (or indirect) reference (she said that he said) At least one source (can be any one of the above) must have more than one author. Due 16 January 33