Attempts at Integrating Quantitative Activities in “Rivers and Streams” Lab for Introductory Geology at CSU Chico Rachel Teasdale, CSU Chico
Week of: Lab Topic 1Jan 23Campus Walk 2Jan 30Minerals 3Feb 6Igneous Rocks 4Feb 13 Sedimentary Rocks + Sed Rocks Homework 5Feb 20 Metamorphic Rocks + Rock Review (Hwk) 6Feb 27Topo Maps 7Mar 6EXAM 1 Mar 13 Spring Break 8Mar 20Geologic Maps 9Mar 27 Fieldtrip 1 Homework Due week 10 10Apr 3Structural Geology 11Apr 10Earthquakes 12Apr 17 Fieldtrip 2 (note: Rivers Pre-work due week 13) 13Apr 24Rivers & Streams 14May 1Groundwater Lab 15May 8EXAM 2 The Syllabus- with Streams Activities
Week 1: Campus Walk Activities: “preview” a variety of future lab topics graded, but general enough for students who add the course late establishes a sense of course rigor/expectations the first set of (simple!) quantitative experiences. Lab 1 Activities: Stream measurements on campus Rock ID (TA’s ID) intro to contour lines/topo maps piezometer water levels intro to seismograph
Week 1: Campus Walk floating orange (or stick/pinecone ) 100’ Stream Activities: Determine pace Use pace to measure 100’ along creek Determine velocity of creek Measurements collected from Big Chico Creek, on campus
Week 9: Fieldtrip rock ID outcrop sketches/ interpretations topo maps Geology of Upper Bidwell Park stream velocity
Week of: Lab Topic 1Jan 23Campus Walk 2Jan 30Minerals 3Feb 6Igneous Rocks 4Feb 13 Sedimentary Rocks + Sed Rocks Homework 5Feb 20 Metamorphic Rocks + Rock Review (Hwk) 6Feb 27Topo Maps 7Mar 6EXAM 1 Mar 13 Spring Break 8Mar 20Geologic Maps 9Mar 27 Fieldtrip 1 Homework Due week 10 10Apr 3Structural Geology 11Apr 10Earthquakes 12Apr 17 Fieldtrip 2 (note: Rivers Pre-work due week 13) 13Apr 24Rivers & Streams 14May 1Groundwater Lab 15May 8EXAM 2 The Syllabus- with Streams Activities
Week 12: Pre-work Pre-work review of a)concepts (hopefully covered) in lectures and b)calculations used to describe stream flow. c)opportunity to seek help with calculations from TA’s before the Rivers & Streams Lab. Fig 9.3, Lutgens & Tarbuck, 8th Edition Pre-work Calculations stream velocity stream discharge stream volume (in 24 hours) weight of water & unit conversions questions using dissolved solids & unit conversions
Week 12: Pre-work … and start entering data to be used in lab to compare Week 1 & Week 13 data
Week 13: Rivers & Streams Stream Activities: Measure stream width, depth Calculate discharge Consider data quality/applicability up/down stream Measure cobble sizes (& ID rock type) Use Chico Quad to determine stream gradient
Week 13: Rivers & Streams Deposition Transportation Erosion Diameter of clasts (mm) Avg velocity (cm/s)
Week 13: Rivers & Streams From January to that collected in April From previous semester (Fall data = Sept/Nov) Comparison of data NEW STUFF: Compare one year’s worth of data to previous years Compare our data with California Department of Water Resources BIC station
Other ideas? (AKA HELP!!!!)