1. Welcome and Apologies (1/2) Apologies have been received from: –Leif Laaksonen and Klaus Lindberg (CSC) –Dany Vandromme (Renater) –Klaus Ullmann and Peter Kaufmann (DFN) –Siavash Shashahani (IPM) –John Boland and Michael Nowlan (HEAnet) –Kees Neggers and Boudewijn Nederkoorn (SURFnet) –Petter Kongshaug and Lars Skogan (UNINETT) –Jan Węglarz and Stanislaw Starzak (PCSS) –Tugrul Yilmaz (ULAKBIM) –David Foster (CERN) –Brian Carpenter and David Martin (IBM) –Jean-Marc Uzé and Eddie Minshull (Juniper) –Geert-Jan Spelde and Remco Frijling (Level 3) –Yves Poppe (Teleglobe)
1. Welcome and Apologies (2/2) Proxies: –Martin Wilhelm represents DFN with proxy –Mike Norris represents HEAnet with proxy –Zbigniew Krzewinski represents PCSS with proxy
2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes and Action list The GA is asked to approve the agenda The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 21 st GA meeting (Rhodes, June 2004)
4a. Admission of new members The GA is asked to admit the University of Belgrade – AMREJ as the National Member of TERENA for Serbia and Montenegro, with its membership in category 1, and with the usual phase-in discount for new members.
4b. Changes in membership None
4c. Changes in representative Zoran Jovanović and Slavko Gajin (University of Belgrade – AMREJ) Leif Laaksonen (representative of CSC) Hans Döbbeling (substitute representative of DANTE) Zvonimir Stanić (representative of CARNet) David Foster and Jean-Michel Jouanigot (CERN)
4d. Outstanding membership fees organisationctrydebt 2002 debt 2003 debt 2004 total IPMIR30,36933,97064,339 ANSTI/RNCRO20,434 MARNETMK5,3845,2725,97516,631 EMBL2,350 3Com2,350 total5,38435,64165,079106,103
5. Change of Statutes (1/5) Contents of the proposal: –Article 6: introduce the possibility that also international organisations that have been founded by organisations in the public sector but not but by governments, can become International Members of TERENA –Article 15.2: bring rules for members requesting a GA meeting in line with current Dutch legislation –Article 16.6: allow that a person votes in a GA meeting (as representative or substitute representative or by proxy) for maximum two TERENA members (currently: for maximum one TERENA member)
5. Change of Statutes (2/5) Contents of the proposal: –Article 12.1: 1.Terms of office of TEC members 3 years (instead of 2 years) 2.Maximum uninterrupted membership period of the TEC will be 6 years (currently 4 years in the same function, but in principle unlimited when “job hopping”) 3.After leaving the TEC a person can be re-appointed as a TEC member only after 3 years (currently: after 2 years if in the same function, but immediately re-appointable if “job hopping”) 4.If a TEC member does not complete the term of office that he was appointed for, a successor will be appointed by the GA to serve the remaining period 5.If a person first joins the TEC to fill an intermediate vacancy (see point 4), then that first period does not count for the maximum 6 years mentioned in point 2
5. Change of Statutes (3/5) Contents of the proposal: –Consequence of the new Article 12.1 is a fixed schedule of ends of terms of office. Article 24 says that the TEC should decide a schedule (to be approved by the GA) for when the current TEC members will resign. The TEC has decided a schedule that implies that of the current six positions in the TEC, each year two will come up for (re-)election.
5. Change of Statutes (4/5) The TEC has decided the following schedule (to be approved by the GA): Current term End of term (current) Dorte Olesen / PresidentFirst2005End Shirley Wood / VP ConferencesSecond2005StayEnd Claudio Allocchio / VP Tech. ProgrSecond2005Stay End Lajos Bálint / TreasurerFirst2006End Sabine Jaume-RajaoniaSecond2005Stay End Marko BonačFirst2005End
5. Change of Statutes (5/5) The GA is asked to adopt the changes to the Statutes as formulated in document GA(04)016 (2/3 majority required of the votes cast) The GA is asked to approve the schedule of resignation decided by the TEC as a transitional regulation in its meeting of 16 September 2004
6. Technical Programme
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (1/7) TERENA Mission and Objectives Statement: –Four categories of activities: Fostering new initiatives Technical Programme Knowledge Transfer Promoting members’ interests The Activity Plan 2005 contains a strategic vision on TERENA, based on this Mission and Objectives Statement
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (2/7) Strategic vision on TERENA: –TERENA is a collaborative organisation. Organising and supporting European collaborative work is TERENA’s core business. –TERENA is a lean and flexible organisation. –TERENA is an open organisation. Participation in TERENA activities is open not just to employees of TERENA member organisations but to the wider European research networking community. Hence, the TERENA membership fee is not a “quid pro quo” but a contribution based on solidarity.
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (3/7) Strategic vision on TERENA: –The National Members of TERENA: Currently the NRENs of 34 countries Important that developing NRENs in SE Europe and around the Mediterranean join TERENA’s activities. And they are subsequently expected to become TERENA members. Further away (e.g. in Central Asia, Africa) the general state of research networking is far below the European level. Prospect of NRENs from these regions joining TERENA is at best a long-term perspective.
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (4/7) Strategic vision on TERENA: –TERENA membership encompasses not only NRENs but also: Regional research networking organisations (DANTE, NORDUnet) Industry Large (organisations of) users of research networks –TERENA is well-placed to foster collaboration with both industry and large users TERENA does not have a supplier-customer relationship with them –Involving more companies and more user organisations in TERENA activities and membership is a priority
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (5/7) Strategic vision on TERENA: –In the end, it is the European research networking community itself that determines the direction of TERENA activities TERENA is a collaborative organisation and the members of the community decide themselves in which activities they will participate –Because resources are limited, priority setting is very important –TERENA needs to stay at the forefront of developments, while at the same time promoting coherence among its membership
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (6/7) Highlights for 2005: –TERENA’s involvement in the GN2 project –Intensifying collaboration and improving information exchange with DANTE and NRENs –Support to development of research networking in “underserved” regions –Promote involvement of industry and of scientific and educational organisations that are large users –Special attention to the issue of extending the user community of research and education networks
7. TERENA Activity Plan 2005 (7/7) A few of the new things among the specific plans for 2005: –CCIRN meeting in Poznań –Workshop on connecting schools etc. –Monthly TERENA Executive Newsletter –Role of TERENA Task Forces regarding the JRAs in GN2 –New project: NoAH –GLIF secretariat –If possible, more publications like the IP Telephony Cookbook –Action for “underserved” countries via NA4 in GN2
8a. Proposal for a change in the fee system
8b. Contribution categories of National Members The GA is asked to decide that all TERENA National Members will be in the same membership category in 2005 as they were in 2004.
8c. Projected outlook 2004 (kEUR)2003 result2004 budget2004 outlook INCOME contributions project income other income TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs Technical Programme TOTAL INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs other administrative costs TOTAL OPERATING RESULT interest received40 45 financial expenses TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE RESERVES AT YEAR START RESERVES AT YEAR END
8d. Budget 2005 and membership fees 2005 (1/5) The financial outlook for 2004 is more positive than had been budgeted, but for 2005 another substantial deficit is expected. Beneath the fluctuations, inflation is year-by- year lowering TERENA’s income if the membership fees remain unchanged. (See next slides) The TEC therefore proposes to adjust the membership fees for inflation.
8d. Budget 2005 and membership fees 2005 (2/5)
8d. Budget 2005 and membership fees 2005 (3/5)
8d. Proposed budget 2005 (4/5) (kEUR) 2004 budget2004 outlook2005 proposed budget INCOME contributions project income other income TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs Technical Programme TOTAL INCOME LESS DIRECT EXPENDITURE INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs other administrative costs TOTAL OPERATING RESULT interest received4045 financial expenses TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE RESERVES AT YEAR START RESERVES AT YEAR END
8d. Budget 2005 and membership fees 2005 (5/5) The GA is asked –to decide that from 2005 onwards, the membership fee unit will be increased annually with the inflation rate in the Netherlands as published by Eurostat for the last complete year for which data are available –hence to set the membership fee unit for 2005 at 4,803 euro –to adopt the budget for the year 2005 as in document GA(04)026
9. Conferences and workshops
10. Liaisons – DANTE and NREN PC
11. Secretariat Matters Karel VietschSecretary General John DyerChief Technical Officer Valentino CavalliDeputy Chief Technical Officer Kevin MeynellProject Development Officer Licia FlorioProject Development Officer Baiba KaskinaProject Development Officer Alex de JoodeIT Support Officer20/39 Dick VisserIT Support Officer Jeroen HoubenWebmaster Bert van PinxterenChief Administrative Officer Joanne BarnettExternal Relations Officer Wilma OverdevestFinancial Administrator28/39 Carol de GrootPR & Conference Officer Aukje BakkerSecretary
12. Next meetings GA 23, Poznań, 9-10 June 2005 GA 24, October 2005 –HUNGARNET has offered to host the meeting in Budapest
13. Any Other Business and Close