Measurement-A Common Language Length
The metric system was invented in 1790 Invented by French scientists
Scientists all over the world use the International System of Units to measure: Length Volume Mass Density Temperature Time
What is length? Length is the distance from one point to another Basic unit of length in the SI system is the meter (m) –Smaller objects measured in centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm)
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milli one-hundredth meter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandth one-hundredth meter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter one-hundredth meter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredth meter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredthcentimeter meter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredthcentimeter nonemeter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredthcentimeter noneonemeter one-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredthcentimeter noneonemeter kiloone-thousand
Complete the Table Below PrefixMeaningUnit of Length milliOne-thousandthmillimeter centione-hundredthcentimeter noneonemeter kiloone-thousandkilometer
Length Measuring Length
The longer lines on the metric ruler are called… centimeters
The shorter lines on the metric ruler are called… millimeters
One centimeter is divided into how many millimeters? 10 millimeters (mm)
Figure 2: Calculating: Measure the turtle in figure 2 from the rear of its shell to the tip of its nose. Record its length in both centimeters and millimeters cm 105 mm
What is accuracy? When you get the correct answer. Example: You measure the density of water and you get the published value of 1.0 g/mL
What is precision? When you measure multiple times and your answers are all very similar. Example: consistently hitting the same part of the backboard when shooting foul shots
Can you be both precise accurate? Yes, by getting the correct answer many times in a row. Analogy: consistently making foul shots