DLI UPDATE Michel Séguin Statistics Canada April 24, 2008
u Organizational update u Changes in the DLI Community u Changes in the EAC and Education Committees u Changes in the DLI Collection u Present Projects – priorities u Annual report 2006/2007 u Compleat Survival Kit u DLI Interface and IMDB u DDI u DLI contacts and designates survey
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Ivan Fellegi, currently Chief Statistician Chief Statistician Emeritus following his retirement, effective June 16, Dr. Ivan Fellegi
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Currently Chief Statistician Designate, effective March 3, 2008 Chief Statistician, effective June 16, Dr. Munir Sheikh
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Vicki Crompton – Director General Will retire in June 2008
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Eric St. John is the new Director of Communications and Library Services Division since June 2007
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Bernie Gloyn is the Assistant-Director of Communications and Library Services Division
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Michel Seguin has replaced Mike Sivyer as Head of DLI Unit
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Marie-Claire will be going on maternity leave as of August 2008
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE u Jackie Godfrey u Takes care of : u the FTP site u the Web site u the search tool u registration on listserv u passwords u all of us
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE u Linda Harding-Devries u When Linda is not climbing the Kilimanjaro u Works on DDI project u Participate to the STC DDI Working Group u Works with Standards Division on IMDB and DDI standards u Ensure DLI contacts have access to Nesstar – Password for data
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Renee Rocan Renée occupies the administrative officer position since May 2008 She will confirmed in her position as of this week sometime
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Contract for Gaëtan Drolet has been renewed for this fiscal year Analysis of the DLI contacts and designates survey Continues to work on metrics showing the usage of the DLI collection
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Mike Sivyer Bookmarked through the Alumni Program at STC Works only a few hours a week for DLI Prepare the minutes from the EAC meeting Will help in the training of new DLI staff Remains well connected to the DLI
ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE Other staffing plans for the beginning of FY 08/09 Eve Boyle – Technical Recruit to work on DDI for one year Another Marie-Claire Another André
Visited: Niagara College Durham College Nova Scotia College will be visited in Fall 2008 New colleges that have joined the DLI Humber College University of the Fraser Valley This brings the membership to 74 DLI MEMBERSHIP
Other institutions have made inquiries about joining DLI u BCIT u Olds College - December 2007 u Justice Institute of BC - December 2007 u Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology – December 2007 u Lakeland College - February 2008 u Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) Libraries - February 2008 u Sheridan College - February 2008 u Fleming College - February 2008 DLI MEMBERSHIP
EAC MEMBERSHIP Mary MacLeod from Acadia has resigned from EAC and the Education Committee Jennifer Adams has been appointed at the EAC and at the Education Committee Jean Poirier representing the research community has been appointed to replace Chad Gaffield Ted Wannell, Assistant Director, Labour and Household Surveys Analysis Division Nancy Darcovich, Assistant Director, Health Statistics Division replaced Mario Bédard The executive will also look for another STC representative to replace Jeffrey Smith Nicole Doyle has been invited to the last EAC as a guest EAC will also look at changes to membership over time since there will be quite a few changes in the next five years. Minutes from the EAC committee
Education Committee Jennifer Adam has replaced Mary McLeod on the Education Committee Sharon Neary has resigned from the Education Committee and is replaced by Jean Blackburn The committee met in September 2007 and will meet again in Fall 2008 to discuss needs related to Colleges Minutes from the Education Committee
DLI COLLECTION The regular updates to the collection for 2006 census Geography and 2006 Census, Postal codes files, CCHS files, etc… 1986 and 1981 census basic summary tables (BSTs) – 1971 and 1976 will be coming later. Presently working with International Trade Division to identify what could be made available (presentation on this topic this afternoon) Input-Output tables have been added to the collection
DLI COLLECTION See additions and changes to the FTP collection Mirror site at the University of Alberta Plus other surveys not from Statistics Canada DFO – Catch and Effort Data (Fisheries and Oceans) Youth Smoking 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey
DLI COLLECTION Other initiative: Landings Data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada Working group in Statistics Canada is exploring access of PUMF from longitudinal files
PRESENT PRIORITIES Annual Reports The 06/07 Annual Report has been sent to all Library Directors and to DLI contacts Also distributed to all STC Directors The 07/08 Annual Report will be sent out by end of June 2008 DLI Update Has been translated Should be released in May Looking for articles for the next one
PRESENT PRIORITIES DDI – Data Documentation Initiative Nesstar and the best practice document on Web Accessible at www62.statcan.ca Password required for accessing the data Now available on Nesstar: CTUMS from Census of Population 1996 Public Service Employee Opinion Survey, 2002 and 2005 Residential Telephone Service Survey, Youth Smoking Survey, 2002 Statistics Canada best practices document relating to tagging files based on DDI version 1-3 Statistics Canada best practices document relating to tagging files based on DDI version 1-3
PRESENT PRIORITIES Compleat Survival Kit DLI Site Interface plus all documentation in background on IMDB Bridging IMBD to DDI and DDI to IMDB
PRESENT PRIORITIES DLI Contacts and Designates Survey Thanks to everyone that participated Gaëtan will be doing the analysis Results will be shared with everyone Repsonse rates: English Contacts52 French Contacts14 Total66 English Designates24 French Designates07 Total31 Overall Response Rate: 82 % Contacts: 92% Designates: 67%
Great Announcement COPUL is pleased to announced that two Outstanding Contribution Awards for 2008: Chuck Humphrey, University of Alberta Many contributions through ACCOLEDS Gwen Bird, Simon Fraser University For her services as the COPPUL representative on the CRKN Negotiations Resource Team