Thursday 9/24/15 (Journal Section) Concession/Refutation: 1.Give the Concession to the following claims: Dogs should be allowed to sleep in their owners bed. The United States should be the “police of the world”. 2.Give the Refutation to the following claims: Students should be required to die their hair pink. People who work in Dallas should ride bikes to work.
Progress Reports Look over your progress report and look through your notebooks for any missing assignments before you tell me “I turned that in” – Please We have one week left before report cards, please take care of your business and see me about any concerns. If you have an X on your report it means your no responsible for that assignment. If you have an A on your report it means you were absent and need to make that assignment up. If you have below a 70 you have mandatory tutorials Monday.
Action & Linking Verbs Review Linking Verbs: Linking Verb - The definition of a linking verb is a grammar term for a verb that connects a subject with a noun or adjective that is the subject. An example of a linking verb is "are" in the sentence, "They are cold." Exercises B – Handout from Monday Action Verb - describes an act or activity. Examples of action verb are 'gurgle' and 'giggle,' words which describe activities. Exercises C – Same Handout Quiz Friday (tomorrow) – Linking & Action Verbs