Leeuwenhoek’s Microscope Leeuwenhoek’s Single-Lens Microscope
Cork Cells () Cork Cells (Tissue)
CELL THEORY Cells are the basic units of & of all living things Cells are the basic units of structure & function of all living things All cells carry on life functionsprocesses All cells carry on life functions (processes) Cells arise only from cells Cells arise only from preexisting cells Organisms can be (Ex. ) OR (Ex., ) Organisms can be unicellular (Ex. bacteria) OR multicellular (Ex. plants, animals)
Prokaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells Bacillus anthracis
Eukaryotic Cell () Eukaryotic Cell (Animal)
Eukaryotic Cell () Eukaryotic Cell (Plant)
from the leaf of a Cell from the leaf of a corn plant
Why are cells so ? Why are cells so small?
Cell walls are composed of Cell walls are composed of cellulose
Cell Membrane Lipid Bilayer Cell Membrane – Lipid Bilayer
Cell Membrane made of, & Cell Membrane – made of LIPIDS, Proteins & Carbohydrates
Nuclear Pore Chromatin Nucleolus
Organelles are suspended in the Organelles are suspended in the cytoplasm
RER contains RER contains ribosomes
SER does contain SER does NOT contain ribosomes
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from a human Cell from a human pancreas
Mitochondria site of Mitochondria – site of aerobic cell respiration
Transport vesicle (containing inactive hydrolytic enzymes) Golgi bodies LYSOSOMES
Centriolesare found near the nucleus of (butfound in) Centrioles are found near the nucleus of animal cells (but NOT found in plant cells)
Centrioles consist of Centrioles consist of microtubules
Cilia located along the Cilia located along the respiratory tract
Flagella are also made up of Flagella are also made up of microtubules
Vacuole used for Vacuole – used for storage
Chloroplast contains the green pigment chlorophyll Chloroplast – contains the green pigment chlorophyll
Endosymbiotic Theory Endosymbiotic Theory
Diffusion movement of molecules from an area of concentration to an area ofconcentration Diffusion = movement of molecules from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (5th Edition), Martini. (2001). Page 71.
Gas exchangetakes place by Gas exchange takes place by diffusion
Facilitated Diffusionof Facilitated Diffusion of Glucose Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (5 th Edition), Martini. (2001). Page 75.
Active Transport Energy is requiredto go fromconc. toconc. Active Transport – Energy is required to go from LOW conc. to HIGH conc.
Osmosis theof Osmosis = the diffusion of water Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (5th Edition), Martini. (2001). Page 73.
Different Solution Types 3 Different Solution Types: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (5th Edition), Martini. (2001). Page 74.
Endocytosis.Exocytosis Endocytosis vs. Exocytosis