毕业实践报告 毕业实践报告 题目:如何成为一名优秀的空乘人员 Service psychological analysis 空乘 1131 班 学生姓名:涂贞 赵英姿 胡冰冰 学 号: 学 号:
【 Abstract 】 : Service is an interpersonal relationship in essence which consists of three elements, namely, server, customer and service environment of which server is the most initiative and positive element that bears on the service quality. The ability and quality of a server is decisive to the service quality. What’s more, flying attendants need to communicate with different people and this service industry is the window of every aviation company and the whole civil aviation transportation. With the development of our civil aviation transportation and our opening and reform, the profession of flying attendants needs people who have higher standard of professional quality.
2. How to be a qualified air attendants ? 3.Professional image and service 4. The basic ways to cultivate outstanding airlines flight attendants 1. What is a flight attendant ? Catalog Service quality Smile 5. How to stand out in the flight attendant job interview ?
1. What is a flight attendant ? Flight attendants are the main exercise of the plane cabin service personnel, aircraft cabin service is civil aviation transport service important constituent, it directly reflects the airline service quality Flight attendant is a often work with people and direct contact with the person of profession, thousands of passengers on the plane to contact every day, so she needs to communicate with visitors at any time, without a cheerful personality can't competent for the job, at the same time, pay attention to words and deeds even when communicate with passengers, maintain a kind of idea, this is a basic service philosophy as air services
2. How to be a qualified air attendants ? 1 First of all to love his job 2. Strong service idea and service consciousness 3. With the spirit of bear hardships and stand hard work 4. Warm, cheerful personality and with nice attitude 5. Study hard business knowledge
3. Professional image and service The manners of talking:Expression of natural and easy, cheerfulness, should look modest, face up to the other party The selection of the topic :Choose the other topics of common interest The performance of speaker :Language should be accurate, complete semantic and gentle voice, intonation and kind, at a moderate speed
4. The basic ways to cultivate outstanding airlines flight attendants Strengthen the quality instrument :Grooming, generous demeanor, modesty is sedate, supercilious, genuine, affectionate, clothing clean and polite Improve internal quality : To raise their temperament, improve personal image Accumulation is extensively, increasing the thickness of the level of morality and wisdom A cheerful personality, make more friends from all walks of life With kind and generous
5. How to stand out in the flight attendant job interview ? The principle of active smile The principle of natural and easy smile The principle of eyes with a smile The principle of sincere smile The principle of health smile Best timing and maintain principle The same principle, don't judge a book by its cover The principle of smile every day, form a good habit
涂贞 学号: 06 corporation : Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shenzhen branch post : Lobby Assistant 赵英姿 学号: 13 corporation : Aist cosmetic surgery hospital post : The receptionist 胡冰冰 学号: 16 corporation : Shenzhen jia zhaoye property management co., LTD post : Cu stomer Service I n t e r n s h i p 4 个人实习情况简介 & 实习说明时间
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空乘 1131 班 涂贞 赵英姿 胡冰冰