Strengths and weaknesses in High Functioning Autism Ina van Berckelaer-Onnes University of Leiden Cardiff
Autism Research levels Behavioural level cognitive level Neurobiological level
Wing’s triad of ASD Social interactions Communication Imagination versus DSM IV stereotyped patterns cognitionbehaviour
Underlying triad deficit Limited intentionality Limited symbol formation
Limited intentionality Pointing Imitation Play
Limited symbol formation Language Imagination (play, etc.)
Consequences for: interaction a) Behaviour communication perception b) Cognitionattention memory
Cognition HFA Perception:information processing Attention:set-shifting (+ inhibition??) Memory: memory forfacts versus functional memory
Perception – Information processing: language Receptive language versus Expressive language
Levels of perception Sensation Presentation Representation Metarepresentation
Cognitive Deficits (Styles) Theory of Mind (ToM) Executive Function (EF) Central Coherence (CC)
Perception/language: ToM Pronoun reversal (perspective taking) Inappropriate questions
Perception/language: Executive Function. Stereotyped phrases Perseverations Inflexibility
Perception language: Weak CC. Poor context use Associative language use Literal language
Attention:WCC and EF Strong fixations / obsessions Weaklack of interest Set-shiftingversus inhibition
Memory: WCC Strongfacts, encyclopedial knowledge Weaksocial coherence
Diagnostic Protocol Classification and individual assessment Psychometric Evaluation
Cognition Intelligence IQ Profile Neuropsychological tests (ToM, EF,WCC)
Pitfalls Generalization Verbalizing versus Doing
Bridging Assessment to Treatment From Profile to Interventions: Support Strengths and Build up Weaknesses
Treatment strategies 1 st grade strategy: environmental coaching (augmentative communication) 2 nd grade strategy: individual treatment 3 rd grade strategy: individual colouring
Environment; 1 st grade strategy TEACCH principle structure:in space in time in activity in approach
Individual treatment; 2 nd grade strategy Focusing on the individual needs - speech therapy - social skill training - job coaching - psychotherapy (mostly cognitive behavioural therapy) - etc.
Individual colouring; 3 rd grade strategy Personal characteristic Associated features Comorbid Disorders
HFA: from the cradle to the grave Treatment across the ages!