Threats to World Peace
Kellogg-Briand Pact Agreement to make war illegal Signed by more than 60 nations First challenged by Japan
Japanese Aggression Japan takes control of Manchuria (Chinese province) League of Nations does not take actions Japan withdraws from League of Nations
Japanese Aggression 1937 – Japan captures Beijing 1939 – Japan has control of ¼ of China, including all seaports
Italy in Ethiopia Benito Mussolini – dictator of Italy Believed expansion would help Italy’s economy 1935: Italy takes over Ethiopia
Italy in Ethiopia League of Nations takes no action Most countries are occupied w/ their own economic issues Great Britain and U.S. are afraid to bring about another world war.
Spanish Civil War Second Spanish Republic – Freedom of religion, separation of church and state
Spanish Civil War – Education controlled by gov’t – Gov’t took land from the Catholic Church and gave it to the peasants
Spanish Civil War Falange – fascist party – Led by Francisco Franco
Spanish Civil War Nationalists (supporters of the Falange) controlled northern Spain Loyalists (supporters of the republic) controlled southern Spain)
Spanish Civil War Falange received lots of assistance from Germany and Italy (saw as a threat to France and Great Britain) International Brigades – antifascist volunteers (US, GB, France, USSR)
Spanish Civil War 1939 – Nationalists defeat the Loyalists Franco makes Spain’s gov’t look like Italy’s
New Spanish Gov’t Ended all free elections and civil rights Army, landowners, and Catholic Church all held political positions