17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ATLFast++ into LHC++: a first exercise The aim of the exercise: from generation to analysis using ATLFast++ algorithms into.


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Presentation transcript:

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ATLFast++ into LHC++: a first exercise The aim of the exercise: from generation to analysis using ATLFast++ algorithms into LHC++ (Objectivity + HEPExplorer) physics channel : A    jet       many signatures in event: jets/muons/missing energy missing energy reconstruction permits an overall check of all reconstructed energies

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ùStructure of ATLFast++: is a pipeline of modules called  Makers  the ATLFast class is the main class to control the program, it permits to loop on all Makers which performs some task on the event data and generate results all the Makers derive from the ATLFMaker common base class that defines main basic rules followed by all Makers each Maker is responsible for creating its branch of the output ROOT Tree

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi the user can select which branches will appear in the output Tree (which is an extension of the PAW ntuple) each Maker has an associated class corresponding to the type of physics object reconstructed by the Maker, for example: ATLFClustermaker creates ATLFCluster objects ATLFElectronmaker creates ATLFElectron objects

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ùThe following Makers are implemented: ATLFMCMaker : to invoke the event generator (Pythia) ATLFClusterMaker : to reconstruct clusters ATLFElectronMaker: to reconstruct isolated electrons ATLFMuonMaker : to reconstruct muons ATLFPhotonMaker : to reconstruct photons ATLFJetMaker : to reconstruct jets ATLFTrackMaker : to reconstruct tracks ATLFTriggerMaker : to build various trigger types ATLFMiscMaker : to compute some event parameters (missing energy.  )

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi STEPS that I  ve followed : A - Eliminate ROOT dependencies from ATLFast++ classes (  deeply integrated into ROOT ) B - Check results of reconstruction with FORTRAN version of ATLFast C - Organize data into Objectivity (Tag/Event) D - Visualize data with HEPExplorer (and perform analysis map)

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi A - Eliminate ROOT dependencies from ATLFast++ classes: - use of the container class TClonesArray which consists of a special array designed to store a large quantity of objects - replaced with: STL vectors/lists in the transient version of program Objectivity VArray to store persistent objects

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi - in all ATLFast++ classes data types are defined using ROOT conventions: Bool_t Char_t Short_t Int_t Float_t Double_t - added an include file (type_def.h) redefining these types at the begin of each class

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ATLFMCMaker class organises the generation of the physics processes by Pythia, it presents deep dependencies from ROOT classes (TObject, TNamed, TPythia, TGenerator, TClonesArray,..) replaced with a Pythia wrapper made of 3 main classes : - Pythia, reads datacards and call Pythia routines - HepParticle, defines particle quantities (id,px,py,..) and methods to calculate rapidity, pT,.. - AtlasEvent, organizes list of particles in a STL vector

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi Eliminating ROOT dependencies implies to loose some Atlfast++ facilities:. Event Display (ATLFDisplay class). ROOT Browser that permits to navigate in the lists of objects in the database. ROOT object inspector that permits to inspect any object that derives from the ROOT class TObject (it permits to obtain a window with the dump of the corresponding object: data member name, value and title)

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi the following classes have been extracted from ROOT : ATLFClusterMaker + ATLFCLuster ATLFElectronMaker + ATLFElectron ATLFMuonMaker + ATLFMuon ATLFPhotonMaker + ATLFPhoton ATLFJetMaker + ATLFJet ATLFMiscMaker + ATLFMisc (only MakeMissing method) still to be extracted: ATLFTrackMaker + ATLFTrack ATLFTriggerMAker + ATLFTrigger

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ùMain function to control the program:

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi B - Check results of reconstruction with FORTRAN version of ATLFast: It  s NOT possible to do a comparison event by event between Fortran and C++  with same datacards slightly different events are generated probably due to different runtime libraries statistic check  1000 events some plots of comparison: clusters/jets/ptmiss (used hbook wrapper by Andrea)

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi C - Organize data into Objectivity (with the help of Dino)  used Objectivity 4 on IBM (rsplus machine) but data visualization with HEPExplorer on HP (atlas wgs) because:  Objectivity 4 on HP not useable because CC compiler has no STL  HEPExplorer has not yet been ported to Objectivity 5 (in that case it would be possible to work on HP with aCC compiler that has STL)

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi how is organised the Tag/Event (used HepVarray): EVENTEVENT list of particles list of clusters list of electrons list of muons list of photon list of jets id,ks,kf,mum,secondmum,firstchild, lastchild,px,py,pz,energy,mass, vx,vy,vz,time Kfcode,Ncells,Nparticles, Eta0,Phi0,Eta,Phi,Et Kfcode,Mcparticle,Kfmother, Eta,Phi,Pt Kfcode,Mcparticle,Kfmother, Isolated,Eta,Phi,Pt Kfcode,Mcparticle,Kfmother, Eta,Phi,Pt Kfcode,Ncells,Nparticles, Part,Eta0,Phi0,Eta,Phi,Pt

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi TAGTAG idrun idevent npart nmuos_iso nmuos_noiso nele nphoton njet njetb njetc njettau pxmiss pymiss pxnu pynu

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi D - Visualize data with Iris Explorer To make the data visible to HEPExplorer it is necessary to `register` an Explorable Collection on the Tag (  AtlasProdTag) a simple map to visualize data

17 December 1998Silvia Resconi ùFinal remarks: of course the exercise is NOT concluded, there are still things to complete:. extract last Atlfast++ classes from ROOT. check reconstruction on more physics channels. compare results with ROOT version and there are things to be better understood:. Fortran/C++ comparison. a more clever organisation of data in Objectivity using associations..  WORK IN PROGRESS