3-5 Barriers to Women’s participation in Science & Engineering
Barriers to Women’s participation in Science & Engineering Until late 1800s, few women had access to post-secondary education subordinate legal status belief that men superior belief that women too fragile en too fragile
Obstacles for academic women scientists? Difficulties in combining career with childbearing and family life. Lake of compelling role models. Women receive little encouragement. Perception by women that they will have to be better than their male counterparts to be considered equal.
What are the obstacles for academic women scientists? While women in science and engineering confront many problems, most of these result from single conflict: In fact our culture's attitudes toward science and engineering and toward women have traditionally been incompatible. Women face many problem in trying to conduct collegial relationship with men who may view them as potential romantic partners or even as simple sex object
Challenges No we don’t take girls here. We do not want females. Oh well, you can’t do that. Why waste time with engineering. In those days, a girl couldn't get a job. You are good enough looking… You’re just looking for a husband.
Challenges They cry when criticized. They get married. They can’t take a joke. They aren’t interested in engineering. They make me feel uncomfortable. We had one once and it didn't work out.