Md. Awal hossain Class:Two Subject: English Assistant teacher Unite:6 INTRODUCTION Class:Two Subject: English Unite:6 Lesson:4(Sizes) Dated:15/04/2014 Md. Awal hossain Assistant teacher Vodra Govt. Primary School Boalia, Rajshahi
Learning outcomes To understand the lesson. By the end of the lesson students will be able – To understand the lesson. To repeat after the teacher and say simple words. To understand and say simple question and answer. To be familiar by listening to common English word.
a thin boy. a tall woman. a small animal. students a short woman. a fat boy. a big animal.
Teaching vocabulary Big Fat Thin Small Short Tall
PRACTICE a small animal A big animal a fat boy a thin boy a tall man a short woman
What sizes? Fill in blank to look at the picture a ……….man. a ……dog. Tall group a ……….man. a………..man. Big group a ……dog. a………dog Long group a …….. bus. a………bus.
Evaluation a…………dog. a………….dog. a………man. a……………..bus. a………………bus. Fill in the blanks a………man. a…………dog. a………….dog. a……………..bus. a………………bus.