Academic Honesty The In’s and Out’s of Avoiding Plagiarism
What is Plagiarism? According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to “plagiarize” means to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
More generally speaking… Plagiarism is the failure to give clear credit to the author for any words or ideas that are not your own. It is an act of fraud because it involves both stealing and lying afterward (by using your name).
Common Knowledge Information readily available and found in numerous sources. It is so well-known that it does not need citation. Common: Carrots are good for the eyes. Common: Olympia is the state capital. Cite It!: 42,514 people
Intellectual Property In the United States, the expression of original ideas is known as intellectual property. They are protected by copyright laws as long as they are recorded in some media.
Types of Plagiarism 1. Turning in someone else’s work as your own 1. Receiving help from a friend, sibling or another person 2. Copying words or ideas from someone else 3. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks 4. Giving incorrect information about a source 5. Copying the sentence structure but changing words around 6. Cut and paste from the Internet (read and write)
Warning! Changing the words of an original source is not sufficient to prevent plagiarism. “If you have retained the essential idea of an original source, and have not cited it, then no matter how drastically you may have altered its context or presentation, you have still plagiarized.”
What about Paraphrasing? It is a restatement of a text or passage in your own words. Makes significant changes in both style and voice of the original. Keeps the original idea. It still requires citation!
So what is the big deal? Plagiarism is considered a misdemeanor and fines run anywhere from $100 and $50,000 Penalties include up to one year in jail In some states and under certain federal laws, plagiarism can also be considered a felony. “For example, if a plagiarist copies and earns more than $2,500 from copyrighted material, he or she may face up to $250,000 in fines and up to ten years in jail.”
What is the Penalty for Students? Zero on the assignment and a written warning. Should a second offense occur, even if in a different class, student receives no credit for the semester.
When do I Cite? 1. When using quotations 2. When you paraphrase 3. When you use an idea that someone else has already expressed 4. When you make specific reference to the work of another 5. When someone else has been critical in developing your ideas
How do I Cite? Introduce the material by stating the author’s name and source. Include quotation marks and page numbers. Add a works cited page or bibliography. Ask your teacher when you are uncertain.
What to Remember Understand the assignment. When in doubt, cite the source. Ignorance is no excuse—ask when unsure! The cheater and cheatee are equally guilty. Avoid temptation!
Works Cited “Olympia Washington Population and Demographics Resources.” Area Connect Mar “Home Page.” Mar “Research Resources.” Mar