Publications Accessing data on Web Using Mapmaker application Spatial Data Service Center Call us with special requests Analysis- using FIA data Data Access and Analysis
Attributes of Interest (40 items to choose from) Numbers of Plots Area of Land All land, Forest land, Timberland (acres) Numbers of trees Volume All live, Growing-stock, Sawtimber Net growth Mortality Removals Biomass This is what will be reported in the cells of the output table
Classification Variables Headings for: Page, Row, Column (currently 86 to choose from) All live stocking County code Current diameter Forest type Growing-stock volume Major land use Ownership class State code Species Species group Stand size Tree grade
State Map With Counties Colored
Circle retrieval around Pittsburgh
Public Access to FIA Data Queries for forest estimates using boundaries other than “county” can be made, BUT the plots are swapped and fuzzed.
CIPSEA Data collected by executive federal agencies must be kept confidential if respondents are told so Class E felony = 5 years in prison and/or $250,000 fine Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 Title V of E’Govt Act of 2002 (PL )
Random Most Similar Neighbor Swap etc.
Policies and Procedures Rule of “3” –Within any summary of data there must be 3 different privately owned plots included –Ex. Summary of data by a soil type polygon – there must be 3 different privately owned plots making up each cell in the table of summary statistics provided
Northeastern FIA Spatial Data Service Center Elizabeth LaPoint Northeastern Research Station-FIA Located at USDA Forest Service Louis C. Wyman Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Durham, New Hampshire Phone (603)
Change in Growing-stock Volume on Private Timberland by Unit, Western Allegheny North-central Northeastern Pocono Southeastern South-central Southwestern +5.4% +23.5% +4.1% +1.7% +4.0% +16.7% +7.5% +16.8% State Average +8.0%
Top Three Species on Private Timberland, by Unit, and Percent Increase Western Allegheny North-central Northeastern Pocono Southeastern South-central Southwestern Blk. Cherry +0.8% Red Maple +25.4% N. Red Oak -12.5% Red Maple +28.5% Blk. Cherry +8.1% N. Red Oak -20.6% Red Maple Sugar maple -19.5% Blk. Cherry +9.1% Red Maple +8.3% Blk. Cherry +7.9% N. Red Oak +8.6% Chestnut oak +21.7% N. Red Oak +18.7% Other oaks +21.9% Yellow-poplar +36.4% Other oaks +20.5% N. Red Oak +48% Red Maple +29.0% Chestnut oak +27.2% White oak +22.1% Red Maple +18.9% Hemlock +76.2% Sugar maple -22.2%
Rich Widmann USDA Forest Service 11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200 Newtown Square, PA Phone