Seminar presentation Preparing for school inspection and self review Terry Bendall Independent Consultant ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2006
A need to provide D&T teachers with some support materials to assist the in preparing for the new inspection system A guide to the new inspection process that describes the new inspection process and outlines the inspection criteria. The situation – from conference 2005 Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review The solution A D&T version of the self evaluation form (SEF) A set of guidance and working sheets that can be used by D&T teachers to evaluate their department. A Power Point presentation available to NAAIDT members that can be used to explain the new inspection system and support teachers when doing self evaluation.
1 A guide to the new inspection This includes an outline of the new inspection process, the four point scale, the areas to be reported on, and the “grade descriptions” that apply to each area. The description of each of the areas to be reported on is followed by a section headed “Guidance for design and technology teachers”. There are two purposes to this part of the guide. Details of the support materials Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review (a) To clarify to teachers the things that should be in place (b) To assist teachers to make an accurate judgement of where the department is on the four point scale.
Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review (2) A D&T version of the self evaluation form (SEF) The whole school SEF has been re-written so that it can be used by a D&T department. Details of the support materials
Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review (3) A set of guidance and working sheets that can be used by D&T teachers to evaluate their department and which cover the focus areas on which inspectors have to report. Details of the support materials Each focus area has a series of key questions and “grade descriptions” that apply to that focussed area. A guide to where evidence for making the judgement is also included. What do assessment and performance data tell you about pupil attainment Activity 3 Achievement and standards Focus question InadequateGoodSources of evidence Results in Key Stage 3 tests and external examinations at both 16 and post-16 are higher than for schools with similar starting points and show added value. A significant number of learners do not meet targets that are adequately challenging. PANDA including benchmarking data School Performance Analysis Evidence from external assessments Subject residuals
Some key points from the Power Point presentation Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review
The presentation outlines some of the key features of the new inspection framework e.g. Much shorter notice – maximum of five days Inspections will last for two days only, and less in smaller schools. A smaller team of inspectors – perhaps five in a large secondary school. Self evaluation is used as the starting point – the ‘Tell and Show’ method. No subject reports – far less emphasis on subjects, but separate subject surveys. Some teachers may not be seen teaching at all, especially in larger schools. Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review
Outstanding – all or almost all elements of the school’s work are at least good, and significant elements are exemplary. Satisfactory – the school’s work is inadequate in no major area and may be good in some respects. Good – there is generally strong performance across all aspects of a school’s work; The capacity to improve is strong, as shown by its recent improvement. Inadequate – a school is inadequate if one or more of the following is inadequate: The standards achieved; learners personal development; overall quality of provision; quality of leadership and management. The four point scale for judgements is highlighted. It is worth while spending some time explaining this. Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review
“Learners meet challenging targets and, in relation to their capability and starting points, they achieve high standards. Most groups of learners, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities, make at least good progress and some make very good progress, as reflected in contextual value added measures. Learners are gaining knowledge, skills and understanding at a good rate across all key stages. Most subjects and courses perform well. And some better than this, with nothing that is satisfactory.” Achievement and standards What ‘level’ is this statement? Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Using some of the grade descriptions is quite effective in raising teachers’ understanding of the criteria.
Evaluating achievement and standards Inspectors have to evaluate: the standards learners reach as indicated by their test and examination results, and other available evidence, taking account of any significant variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time, and comparisons with all schools; whether learners achieve their targets and whether the targets are adequately challenging; how well learners progress relative to their starting points and capabilities, with any significant variations between groups of learners (making clear whether there is any underachievement generally or among particular groups who could be doing better). Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review An example of what inspectors have to look for.
Evaluating achievement and standards Implications for D&T teachers: In order to evaluate progress, you have to know what pupils can do when they come into the school. You need to find a method of doing this accurately, and record the outcome. You then need to assess the progress that pupils make in subsequent years, e.g at the end of years 7, 8 and 9. This may mean that you need to do more formal assessments than are done at present. It may also mean that records of assessments, and samples of the work that pupils do need to be more comprehensive than they are at present. Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Explaining to teachers, tactfully (!) what the implications are.
How effective are teaching and learning? “Learners make good progress and show good attitudes to their work, as a result of effective teaching. The teachers’ good subject knowledge lends confidence to their teaching styles, which engage learners and encourage them to work well independently. Any unsatisfactory behaviour is managed effectively. The level of challenge stretches without inhibiting. Based upon thorough and accurate assessment that informs learners how to improve, work is closely tailored to the full range of learners’ needs, so that all can succeed. Learners are guided to assess their work themselves. Teaching assistants and other classroom helpers are well directed to support learning. Those with additional learning needs have work well matched to their needs based upon a good diagnosis of them. Good relationships support parents/carers in helping learners to succeed.” What ‘level’ is this statement? Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Using a statement like this is helpful in starting a dialogue with teachers about standards of teaching and learning.
How effective are teaching and learning? “Learners make good progress and show good attitudes to their work, as a result of effective teaching. The teachers’ good subject knowledge lends confidence to their teaching styles, which engage learners and encourage them to work well independently. Any unsatisfactory behaviour is managed effectively. The level of challenge stretches without inhibiting. Based upon thorough and accurate assessment that informs learners how to improve, work is closely tailored to the full range of learners’ needs, so that all can succeed. Learners are guided to assess their work themselves. Teaching assistants and other classroom helpers are well directed to support learning. Those with additional learning needs have work well matched to their needs based upon a good diagnosis of them. Good relationships support parents/carers in helping learners to succeed.” Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review And the answer is … ? The same technique can be used with a printed copy of the statement and a highlighter pen.
Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and learning A question to ask at the end of a lesson – “What can these learners do, or what can they do better, or what have they learnt that they did not know at the start of the lesson?” If the answer is nothing or not a lot, then the lesson must be judged to be inadequate. Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review A hard judgement?
Implications for D&T teachers: Do you meet statutory requirements? Are all aspect of the PoS covered? DMAs? Investigation of existing products? Systems and control? Range of materials? Modern and smart materials? Use of ICT and CAD/CAM to design and make? Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship? Work related curriculum? Health and safety? 21 st C. technology? Activities meeting needs of boys/girls/minority ethnic groups? Rotational courses? Exam courses meeting needs? Vocational courses exist/appropriate? Post 16 provision? Differentiated curriculum? Special needs? Most able? Gifted and talented? Extra curricular activities? Use of local business and industry? Young Engineers? SATROs? Local and national competitions? Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Curriculum issues that exist in lots of schools
“The leadership of the department is successfully focussed on raising standards and promoting the personal development and well-being of learners. It has created a common sense of purpose among staff. Through its effective self evaluation, which takes into account the views of all major stakeholders, managers have a good understanding of the department’s strengths and weaknesses and have a good track record of making improvements, including dealing with any issues from the last inspection. The inclusion of all learners is central to its vision and it is effective in pursuing this and dismantling barriers to engagement. The department runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. Resources are well used, including any external services, to improve learners’ outcomes and to secure good value for money. Good links exist with parents and outside agencies to support its work. The impact is seen in the good progress made by most learners on most fronts, in their sense of security and well being. The leadership and management provide the department with a good capacity to improve.” Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review A grade description for leadership and management The description for good.Did you/could you do all this?
The new inspection process will require teachers to develop and hone their skills in self evaluation. It has to be very honest if only because if the inspection team feels that a school has been generous in some aspects of the self evaluation, then they may feel that the same is true of most of it. If you are not sure how to tackle some of the problems, ask other heads of department or your line manager for advice, or try other schools in the local area. Where they exist, ask your LEA adviser or inspector. Someone, somewhere has probably has the same problem as you and has been able to solve it. Your immediate problem is finding that person and getting help from them! Self evaluation is not something to be completed by the subject leader alone. It should be a team exercise and should be used to determine the department development plan. Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Some concluding points in the presentation that are worth making.
Conference Seminar Preparing for school inspection and self review Evaluation task Carry out a critical review of the materials Use the following criteria: Are the materials clear and understandable? Will the sample that you are reviewing help teachers with the self evaluation process? Add anything that you think is missing. Delete anything that you think is unnecessary?